chapter 5

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(I'm just add songs I listen to )

Manny: Guys, we gotta get this kid outta the wind. How much further?-

Diego: Three miles.I'm beat. We'll get there in the morning.-

They find the cave

Diego: What are you doin'?

Sid: I'm putting sloths on the map.

Manny: Why don't you make it realistic and draw him lying down?

Diego: And make him rounder.

Manny took the stone off of sid and does what Diego said

Scar: Perfect.

Sid: I forgot how to laugh.

Sid started to scribble on the drawing of what's meant to be a sloth and starts to catch fire

Sid: I'm a genius. From now on you'll have to refer to me as Sid, Lord of the Flame.

Manny: Lord of the Flame, your tail's on fire.

Diego pushed sid in to a pile of snow

Sid: Thank you. From now on,I'm gonna call you Diego.

Diego: Lord of Touch Me and You're Dead.

Sid backed away from Diego

Diego: just kiddin' ,you little knucklehead.

Diego gave Sid a noogie, scar just giggles at them. Diego stops to look at her. Diego then gets up, walks over to her and pins her down so that she can't get up or move. Diego begins to playfully paw at her and Scar starts to paw back at him. Both laughing as they paw at each other

Manny: hey Lovebirds, sid. Look at this.

Diego&Scar stops and looks at Manny and the baby. Diego then got off Scar and sat next to her, Scar sat up after Diego got off of her.

Sid: I don't believe it.

The baby started to walk towards sid

Sid: Come here, you little biped. Come here, you little wormy-worm. Come to Uncle Sid.

The baby turned to diego&Scar and walk towards Diego

Sid No, no, no, no, no, no. This way. This way.

Diego: No, no, no. No, go to him. Go to him.

Scar started to laugh at the panicked Diego

The baby then hugged Diego front leg

Diego:OK. Good job. Keep practicin'.

Diego nudged the baby along

Sid: Look at that. Our little guy is

The baby the walked towards scar and stood in front of her

Scar: urm... hello

The baby giggled at the hybrid. Scar just turned her head confused but the baby just laughed more and hugged her leg. Scar leand down and nuzzled him, The baby got up and walk towards manny but stop and yawned. Manny pick up the baby with his trunk

Manny: All right, come on. Sleep time, lumpy.

Sid: Look at that big pushover. You know, Diego, Scar I've never had a friend who would risk his life for me.

Diego: Yeah, Manny's.. he's a good guy.

Scar: I like him he's funny and mean but a nice lad

Sid: Yeah, he is. Well, good night.

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