chapter 2

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In morning

Manny wakes up and feels for the baby in his trunk, only to discover that the Baby is gone. He stomps over to the sleeping Diego & Scar who both wakes up with a start

Manny : ''WHERE'S THE BABY?''

Diego : ''You lost it?''

Scar: ''wait what''

They look at each and notice Sid is not there

M,D,S: ''SID''

Sid with the baby in a jacuzzi like mud hot spring; using the baby to attract two female sloths

Rachel : "Oh, he's lovely. Positively adorable!"

Jennifer to the baby: "Hello Pumpkin. Hello, little bunny baby"

Rachel to Sid: "Where did you find it?"

Sid : "Ah, poor kid was all alone in the wild. Sabers were cornering him, So I just snatched it!"

Rachel : "Oh, so brave of you!"

Sid : "Yeah, well... He needed me..."

Sid : "And I wished I had one of my own, too..

Jennifer: "REALLY?!"

Jennifer : "I'm... I'm attracted that quality in a male."

Sid :" Who wouldn't be?"

Rachel : "You caring for a baby..."

Sid : "Yeah, well... You know..."

the baby playfully throws mud on Sid's face; they both laugh

Sid:"Cute kid, huh? So, as I was saying ladies... uh..."

wipes the 'something' on his face and realised it was manny

Sid : "Oh, hey! Hey... Manny!"

Manny: "What's the matter with you?"

Manny says as he takes the baby away

With diego&Scar

Scar walks by Diego flicking her tail in his face

Diego: watch it

Scar: or what hotshot

Diego pins Scar down so that she can't get up or move

Diego: don't test me kitty

Scar: *growls* don't call me kitty

Diego: don't call me hotshot

Scar: and why not it suits you ego

Diego: and kitty suits you scarly

Random animal shouting: "get a room!"

Diego looks up confused "Wait what" he then released and jumped off of Scar "ew no"

Scar gets up and follows him and then Sid comes running around a corner

Sid: "Arg oh oh thank goodness"

Sid: Oh no tigers help... help

Diego: where's the baby

Sid: Oh he's fine manny has him

Sid: Aaarrhhh they got me

Scar gives Diego a confused look but he just ignored her, which pissed her off

Sid: Oh help!

Scar: Get away from me

Scar walked away and Diego was about to follow until sid kicked him. Scar look back to see what happened only to see sid in Diegos mouth

Sid: hey Scar

Scar: what sid

Sid: are you okay you seem a little down.

Scar: I'm fine sid really

Sid: just tell me you'll just end up telling me anyway

Scar: fine {tells him about what happened with diego}

Sid: oh Scar I'm sure he didn't mean it like that

Scar: sid he said ew no I'm sure he did

Sid: how come your so bothered anyway.. unless you like him!

Scar: wh-what no I don't!.. do I?

Sid: your the only one who can know the answer

Sid then walk next to diego and manny and Scar follows behind him. Scar stands between sid and manny

ice age Diego x Scar OcWhere stories live. Discover now