"Hm? How did it go?"

"I didn't do it.. she died before.. I didn't want to do it anyways, there's too many eyes that watch you. I wouldn't have been able to"

"I'm sorry" i shook my head

"Don't be, it's not your fault"

"Well I'm sorry you were effected by it. Better?" I nod slightly looking around at those that wasn't dancing and was watching us. I gulped not liking the attention

"Love? Do you want to go outside?"

"You don't mind?" I asked quietly

"Of course not" he held his arm out and I took it, slowly leading us outside and in the direction of a few horses

"Why did you invite me here?" He looked taken back for a second

"I fancy you" my eyes widen


"Is that hard to believe?" I nod slowly
"Why is that?"

"No ones ever.. shown any interest before"

"And I worry for them. They've missed out an amazing person"

"Oh yeah?" I laughed quietly
"Where is she?"

He took a step forward and looked into my eyes.

"She's right here" the sound of the horse making noise takes his attention away and he moves away
"So you've never-" he starts. I was confused for a moment until I realised and started blushing

"Oh, no..I've never" he smiles and changes the subject

"You know horses are the opposite of people. They're loyal. My father hated me, and the closest he got to seeing my demise was the day he killed my favourite horse. He severed his neck with a sword to prove his excellence"

"Poor horse. I'm sorry, you didn't deserve that. Parents are stupid" I mumbled the end and he frowned tilting his head

"What happened with yours?" I shook my head leaning my hand up to the horse

"Nothing much" I mumbled and giggled as the horse licked my arm
"They're my favourite animal. I begged my dad to build a barn when I was younger so I could buy a horse. It was a silly idea" I laughed. After a small silence I sighed
"I've never told anyone before, not even Jeremy" that caught klaus' attention

"Jeremy Gilbert? Why would you-?"

"Im not Elena's friend. Im her sister, Jeremy's twin. I don't know why she lied to you about me, maybe she's embarrassed by me. But I'll never know" he nods accepting my answer
"But anyways. Ever since I was a child Elena had been the golden girl. Not that I resented her or anything, I just wanted what she had with our parents. To have them be proud at your at every given moment of the day. But instead I got the latter. Whenever Jeremy or Elena would go out the other parent would hurt me. They were awful. As the years went on. Slaps turned to punches, hits turned to kicks and I closed off from everyone. Me and Jeremy were closer than everyone but as more bruises appeared the more I stopped doing things. Like talking to him, going out, and I couldn't bring myself to leave the house without my conscience picking at everything about me. And then they died. Everyone was crushed. Everyone except me. I was free. Happy, I'd never felt anything like that before. So I" I smiled slightly to klaus
"I dropped out of being miss mystic falls. But the only thing that changed about having no parents was the fact I didn't see them and my lack of bruises. Everything else stayed with me: my detachment to my siblings, not wanting to go out. But aunt Jenna and Alaric was a great help" I mumbled and his face changed slightly
"She was amazing. And the only person to ever Love me. And then she went too, and It was me, Alaric, Jeremy and Elena. Then Jeremy left, a few days ago. I begged him to stay, I didn't want to lose my brother but he left anyways. Elena hates me and Alaric's all I have right now" I sighed looking up at him

"What you went through.." he started
"No child deserves. you are an incredible person love, no matter who tells you otherwise. You have my word" he moved closer and placed his hand below either side of my jaw and leaned in, peppering a kiss to my lips

I leaned away slowly, opening my eyes and looking up at his

"Klaus" I whispered. He looked down at me with a small smile before backing away

"Come, a toast is set to happen soon" he held out his hand


"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Waiters are coming around with champagne. I invite you all to join me in raising a glass." Klaus takes a glass off a stand

"Do I have to..?" He shakes his head

"Not if you don't want to love, your quite alright"

"It provides me with no greater joy. Than to see my family back together as one. I'd like to thank you all for being part of this spectacular evening. Cheers" everyone raised their glasses before drinking the contents

Once the toast was done klaus led me to a room full of paintings and pictures

"I'm showing you one of my passions"

"Your an artist?" I ask and he nods

"That's one way to put it" I looked down and the drawings

"You drew this?" I asked holding one up

"yeah actually one of my landscapes is hanging at the Hermitage. Not that anyone would notice"

"I would notice" I muttered
"These are really beautiful klaus"

"Thank you. Have you been? To the hermitage?" I shook my head

"I've never really been anywhere"

"i'll take you wherever you want. Rome, Paris.. Tokyo" I laughed slightly and he followed

"Maybe.. one day" he nodded taking a step forward and he locked his lips with mine for the second time tonight

His lips were warm and silky, distracting me from the warmth igniting deeper inside me as I pushed myself slightly closer to him before pulling away

"thank you for listening to me tonight" I whispered as I pulled away, almost certain he didn't hear it

My love - Klaus mikealson Where stories live. Discover now