🌹~ Chapter 8

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-Wishing Upon A... Falling Star?-


Who says a 15-year-old can't risk her life traveling across the mountains just so she could go back home? But I'm also not going to fib myself and say that I haven't pondered it once or twice. I've done things like this heretofore.

What's stopping me from doing it all once more? So, you see, there's no real need to bide around for an answer because as soon as heaven calls my name, I know exactly where to go—in my mind, anyways. And my heart feels it too. It is as if my feet and legs are made of lead. I just don't know how I'm going to get to the other side. Or rather, who will be there waiting for me ahead when I do?

Will I ever be welcomed with open arms again or will my friends even remember me after three years?

The thought frightens me—but I must do it anyway. I can't live another day without at least looking them in the eye—even though I fear that they would look upon me differently than before, knowing what I am now.

I put all my necessary things for the journey in my satchel, ready to set off on this path that could end my very existence. With trembling hands and a heavy heart, I take one last glance back into the town where I rested for 3 years. There, watching as I walked away, stands a middle-aged woman clad in a blue dress, holding her two children by their hands. She waves goodbye, smiling warmly as if to bid me farewell to my new life. 

I was told that I shouldn't get my hopes up about meeting them again. That it might happen one day, but not now. Señor Izan said that the path leading to Encanto is that I should follow the river. As for the rest, he didn't seem to know the details either. But, he did say "Take care and best wishes."  As long as I keep following the river, I will arrive where I was meant to. 

The river...

The thought alone shudders down my spine as I take a trip down memory lane of how I swam my way up for the surface, water filling my lungs like water tanks, suffocating me as I fought to make a splash, hoping anyone who might have been standing there would come for my aid. I never got that chance. The current took hold and dragged me down until all I could recall was being pulled toward the darkness. Only moments later do I feel the bushy sensation of grass beneath my bare toes. Then, finally, the sun.

I squinted my eyes once I caught a glimpse of the sun's rays and felt the dried leaves crunching beneath my feet as I trailed along the road, it was satisfying. My breath came in quick and shallow puffs of air, leaving behind a burning sensation on my cheeks and throat that I had grown familiar with. I'm still not used to this temperature change. The heat makes it apprehensive; the humidity is making me sick.

 It's all wrong; I've always been good at adapting to anything and the atmosphere of Encanto suddenly shifts into something... discombobulated.*

Once I reached the end of the river, my journey marks its way here. I walked past through a mountain of trees, and the hem of my dress snagged on branches and twigs as I went. When I finally reached the other side, I looked behind me and saw nothing but an extravagant force of nature that I had left behind. The only thing that seemed familiar was the faint glimmer of light from somewhere far away. It was enough to prompt me of what I left behind and that I'll eventually return.

This time, I decided, I'll stay. 

As I saunter along this forbidden path, which I so-called didn't wanna remember, I took notice that the aura around me felt doleful. The tension was heavy and my steps trudged. My eyes glance everywhere and the woods I remember aren't the same as it was anymore; it was supposed to be lively with colors and birds singing--not this barren, desolate haunted forest. But all that remained were blackened trunks with patches of mold growing amongst the charred wood. 

My lips twisted to a frown. Whatever happened 3 years ago it had affected Encanto. 

Did the dreary tension happen when I was gone? I didn't recall anything about this dull before I was being pushed towards the river.

I began to ponder when my eyes spotted something that made me stop in my tracks; a rose. Planted solitary on this tedious woods whilst the sun gave it nutrients. It wasn't as lush or vibrant as Mrs. Echeverria's roses back home, but its petals shined nonetheless. 

How lovely...

It was like an oasis in these depressing woods, like a small light in the darkness. With that thought in mind, I bent down to grab the flower and brought it to my nose to smell it--it was perfectly shaped and it looked very fresh. How strange... It even reminded me of someone I longed for to see. 

A faint smile grazes my lips and I decide to tuck the rose into my satchel, I stand up and continue my stroll, but since Lady Luck isn't on my side--my foot trips over a rock, and I begin to stumble downhill.


I kicked the stone out of my way as I strolled around the empty, feared town. And as for the rest? The townspeople cower away in fear once they see a red poncho troublemaker coming through their way, I guess they don't want to cross paths with the menace. 



And a feeling of being superior to those who are beneath you. 

Felt like a rushing vein of power, aside from having gifts. I was given glares, scowls, and rumors by others, but none of them piqued my interest. No one ever called me out for what I could do, nor was any challenge accepted against me. All they knew was that I had special abilities that I no longer find special, yet I could show off whenever I wished.

What matters is that they're intimidated and it works on me, I like it that way.

I brazenly smirk to myself and a dark chuckle escapes my lips, "Oh, I wish you were here to see how our sweet, colorful home turned out to be a dark and unsafe place." I mutter those words under my breath. As if to spit it on her face. 

Just then, I heard a faint sharp scream as my head turned towards the source of that sound, my eyes widened when I saw a person stumbling downhill as if they were part of the children's rhyme song Jack and Jill. Before I could think, they rolled down and headed towards me, pushing us against the heap and a yelp escaped my mouth as pain shoots down my whole body. 

The two of us groaned and as soon as my eyes opened, she was on top of me. A girl. At about the same age as me, had her eyes closed, and didn't know whether pain had got to her. My eyes widened and my heart skipped a beat.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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