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Chapter 5

Jonah has changed out of his earlier clothes and is now wearing a dark, leather jacket and jeans that aren't dotted with specks of mud. His hands remain in his pockets as we walk down to the village together and he tells me about his sister, Keely, who is apparently really excited to meet me.

Admittedly, I'm not sure how to feel about people in the village knowing who I am already. I mean, they don't know every detail about me-- I hope-- but they all know I've moved into Windchime Manor, even though it's been abandoned for years. I feel like people will think I'm a completely different person than I am and automatically make their judgements. I want to make a good impression, not be the pretentious young woman who now owns a manor house that looks over the village like a towering castle. They have to know that I was the last person to receive this opportunity until barely even a week ago.

We end up in front of The Golden Eagle, a very vintage looking pub with amber light seeping through the windows and onto the cobbled street I'm standing on. Jonah gives me a charming smile as he holds open the dark oak door, and as soon as I step through I'm filled with warmth.

There are candles flickering on every table with dim lights hanging from the ceiling, the floor covered in a ruby red carpet. It's a large building with a bar on the far side, where many people are stood ordering their bubbling drinks and letting loud laughter erupt from their bellies. I've loved the atmosphere of British pubs for as long as I can remember, and this place definitely has those type of vibes. Cosy, lively, full of all sorts of people I can't wait to meet.

Jonah leads me to a table where a girl is sitting by herself. She's the spitting image of Jonah, with wild curls of brown hair, dark skin and large doe eyes, reminding me of a doll. She smiles as soon as she notices Jonah and I approach and stands up. A glittering dress adorns her curvy body, and I almost start to feel jealous.

"Hi!" she says excitedly after hugging her brother. "You must be November!"

I'm sure that a few pairs of eyes glance our way as she says my name. I guess the word has got out very fast.

"Ember is fine," I smile awkwardly, returning her friendly hug.

"I'm Keely," she introduces, although I had already guessed as much. "I'm sorry my brother disturbed you earlier. I did try to stop him."

"It's okay," I chuckle as we take a seat at the table. "If he didn't I'd probably be spending the night alone in a scary manor house."

"Is it really spooky?" she asks, lifting her drink. It's a reddish-pink colour and bubbling, probably a fruity cider.

"A little," I say. As soon as I say the word, I'm taken back to the moment I saw that face peering behind the door. It must have been my eyes playing tricks on me, but it did give the house an unsettling feel for a few hours. But I haven't even thought of it until now. "I love it, though."

"Ah, I'd love to live in a lovely manor house," Keely says, a little wistfully. "You're so lucky that Matthew gave it to you."

"I am," I smile.

Jonah looks at me, also grinning. "Let's go to the bar."

I nod and follow him over, squeezing my way through people chattering loudly over the music playing. It takes a minute for us to order our drinks, but we return to the table as soon as they're given to us, preferring to stay somewhere not quite so crowded.

I get to know a little bit more about the twins and what it was like growing up in the village. It all sounds very peaceful, going to school with a class of very few students before going to help out on the farms on the weekends. They spent most of their childhood outside, playing in the fields and woods just before the sun set and it got too dark. They were quite rebellious, too, going skinny dipping in the lakes and rivers in the middle of winter and stealing cakes from the bakery up the street. We're laughing and chatting and I already feel relieved to have made some friends. I don't want to bring up my gnarly past with them, though. Not just yet.

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