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Of course, she wouldn't. She wouldn't even if he was about to be impaled by a stick at the top of Mount Everest. Jack was all alone, nobody to help him, nobody knew what he was going through, nobody cared. 

As the afternoon went on and on without anything exciting happening, Jack began to zone out of what was going on in class and instead began thinking about the disappearances again for the first time that day. Even though he didn't want to, he couldn't stop seeing the image of Lola, Lily and Tommy altogether counting on him.

Jack's mind was abuzz with thoughts of them. The words that the ace of spades had said echoed around his head haunting him. What did he intend to do with their energy? It was typical really, they own power for a bit before power owns them.

He had an unnerving feeling people were going to die, multiple people. What happened when all the power had been taken from their brains. Did they die? 

Currently, their brains were being drained of power, how long until they dropped? He was overcome with anxiety and stress and worries. At such a young age, he was learning the true but sad truth in life. People will do practically anything if it means they get money or power. The person who he was dealing with was that guy, he didn't know what you called somebody like that.

When school finally finished, Jack left school again to go look for some more clues. As usual, he crept into the Janitor's closet to wait for them to leave. Josh sat down on a box full of special furniture sprays and let his brain rest.

"At it again are we? You know you really shouldn't keep coming here. Don't give me that look as if you think I didn't notice. Just yesterday you knocked over my hoover. Poor old Henry, he was in such a state."

"Aah. Oh, it's you. I thought you were . . . someone else." Jack said noticing it was just the cleaner himself. He was a bit crazy talking about 'Henry' as if Henry was his best friend.

"And who would that be? Look, I'm going to let you go this time because I feel sorry after what I heard happened to you at school today. On second thoughts, I'll let you off on one condition: why on earth have you been coming here after school?"

This was bad. Jack clearly didn't want to tell him the truth but he also didn't want to tell him something completely unbelievable.

"Well, the honest truth is, um . . . it's been to get away from Josh and his friends."

Good save. 

"Mhm, I see, well that is a good explanation so you can go. Just don't come back because you left Henry all bruised and hurt."

Quickly, Jack left the room.

"Where are you off to so fast Jack?" said a masked figure. The ace of spades.

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