Chapter two. Lone Wolf. 02

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I sit on my knees, going through my bag.

In the short time we've been given to gather ourselves and get to know our Buddy pairs, I found out that I ended up paired with the physically most capable of everyone here. But the most intimidating one here too. I glance to my left as he's on his knees in front of his bag as well, back facing me. His shirt is tight around his frame as he bends forward to reach something further away. A freshly done haircut in dark hair connecting with tanned skin at the back of his neck. His expression is blank, or a little angry without the emotion behind it.

Not a word has been exchanged between us.

'No worries, he didn't talk to anyone here yet.'
I look up to find a shorter and smaller guy next to me. 'No?' He shakes his head 'intimidating fellow is your problem.' He says. I clench my jaw at his words 'sorry 'bout that.' The sincerity behind his words makes me nod.


My buddy signs me over as he bends down, cupping his hands together for me to put my foot in. The wall stands tall before me, making me doubt if I'll make it over even with his help. Yet I look down and place my foot in his hands 'Thanks.'

He hoists me up, making me able to grab the legde. With all the strength I have, I pull myself up and rest my chest on the ledge, looking back if he needs any assistance.

He stands a few feet away and takes a leap, running up and jumping, able to grab the legde with one hand, pulling himself up enough to grab on with the other as well. 'Go on.' He orders without looking up as he easily pulls himself up and over.

So I throw my legs to the other side of the wall, turning and letting myself hang before dropping down the last bit.


The day is draining, and the cold shoulder from the group doesn't do anything to relieve the pressure and unease. But the obstacle course is over, and everyone is catching their breaths. I sit down on my bag with a sigh, feeling my lungs burn in my chest, and rub my face with my hands despite the dirt clinging to the moist skin.

When I look around I see everyone sitting with their buddy, chatting and glad they made it through. My mind wanders to the help I received from my own buddy, despite him looking like he wants nothing to do with me. But in the need of a break, I sat down without looking, loosing sight of him.


I look up at the voice, And find my buddy holding out a bottle of water.
'Thank you.' The bottle is cool in my hand, water forming on the outside of the plastic, protesting against the heat of the outside air.

A heavy backpack drops to the ground next to me, lifting up dust and a soft thud, before my buddy sits on it and opens a bottle of his own. I take the opportunity to talk to him.

'Your name is Norwood right?'

He nods, swallowing the water in his mouth before letting out a hoarse yes. Sweat runs down his temple, creating a clean line on the dust covered skin, eyes narrowing at the bright field ahead.

'Thanks for the help back there. Wouldn't have made that by jump.'

He nods, not answering nor looking away from where he's looking.
'Yo Norwood, who put a stick up your ass this morning?'
I turn to my left, looking away from him to the voice that called out to see a guy holding an amused grin as he looks our way, three others joining him in quiet laughter.

'If you want problems you can just say so.' Norwood says back, tone of voice low and threatening, his expression fitting once I turn back to look at him. Cold blue eyes pierce towards the guy, making his grin drop a little as hands raise up defensively. 'Just saying man, if you want to be a lone wolf you shouldn't join the army.'

Norwood's response can go unseen besides the chilling stare he gives as warning. His chest tightens non the less and the muscle in his jaw flexes. 'Please don't react, it'll make it better for them.' My voice comes out quieter then anticipated, making Norwood's eyes snap to mine, making me tense quickly.

Yet to my surprise he loosens his jaw and turns his head away, ignoring the un-useful comments.


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