Chapter 3: Something new

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As the torches fire burned brighter, the cave revealed itself more and more. As Tommy listened more and more, he could hear the tiny droplets of water dipping, the small amounts of wind that could make it this far in the cave, and the sound of bats chittering. 

As Tommy walked more and more into the cave, he found what he was looking for, a giant dome like room with a giant torch in the middle. While he made his way over to the middle of the room, he made sure not to trip over any of the traps he made. Once he made it to the middle, he lit the torch and watched as all the other torches lit up and reveal the entire room, including a lever on the right wall.

As Tommy walked over to the lever he stopped, his nerves began to rise as he tried to look as calm as possible. Truth be told though; he did not look calm at all. "Come on out I know your there!", He called out, only to be greeted be silence. Soon enough he chalked it up to his anxiety and continued to walk over to the lever, well that was until he felt a hand on his shoulder. 

He was quick to pull out his sword and aim at the persons neck, only to be greeted by Phil. "What are you doing here!", he snapped putting away his sword, but still keeping his hand on his hip just in case.

"I was walking and saw you enter this cave, so I just followed you to see what you were up to", Phil quickly explained putting his hand up as a sign of surrender. Tommy just sighed and decided to just storm over and pull the lever. It totally didn't make a secret passageway open, noooo.

"You coming or not", Tommy snapped at Phil as he lit a new torch. Phil was quick to follow Tommy down a winding staircase of the passage. "So.. um... what is this place?", Phil questioned after a while, he hoped for an answer but didn't really expect one.

"I don't know who made this if I'm gonna be real here", Tommy said as the finally made it to the bottom of the stairs, revealing a button, "But I do have a feeling that", as soon as he pushed the button another secret door opened, revealing one of the most beautiful things Phil has ever seen in his life

"That I'll find out soon"

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