CHAPTER 1: The beginning of an unhealthy obsession

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"W-we thought you died", Wilbur forced out, the sound of hurt and hope laced within his voice.

"Yeah, I did too", Tommy responded emotionless, chuckling dryly, "Guess that Green Teletubby really can't leave me alone, Ay?"

That statement had made his heart clench within his chest. He was happy that Tommy was using his name calling for Dream, but it's the way he said it

It sounded cold and dead

"Tommy.....", Phil said sadly stepping forward, causing Tommy to look straight into his eyes, bright meeting dead eyes

"What Phil? You gonna say 'we're sorry Tommy, please come back or let us help you', If you were then don't", Tommy snapped, taking a stepped forward while Phil stepped back in shock as Wilbur and Techno stood there frozen as they were forced to hear what Tommy was about to say, "To most people, I'm dead. To a few people I'm dead and should have stayed dead. To my own best friend I'm just a since experiment and replaced! So wha-", Tommy was caught off by Techno walking over and hugging him. 

As Tommy struggled against the strong grip Techno let out little chuffs, known to calm their young. As Tommy kept struggling both Phil and Wilbur walked over and hugged Tommy as well. Engulfing him in the touch he didn't want to feel.

"We love you so..."

"Please let me go..."

And as soon as he broke free of their grasp. He bolted away in a panicked frenzy, as the other three soon gave up the chase they wondered why he wanted out of their grasp so bad? What had Dream done to their poor little Fletching?

"So, I've come to the conclusion that the best thing to do is to follow him round, join him on anything. If he says no, follow him anyway"

"What are you crazy?! That basically stalking!"

"Well, do you want him taken away again?!"


"Then let's do this and while we're at it plant the TNT, while use it later.."

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