Chapter 2: The moth of a Cave

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As Tommy walked down the prime path, the wind whipping through his hair he looked around. If you asked him, he would say it's nothing. But that's not true, really every step Tommy took he felt like someone or something to a step behind him. He knew who It was, I mean, they had always been a terrible hider, but did he need to make it so obvious? 

"If your gonna stare, why not just talk to me?", Tommy said over his shoulder still walking.  When the person who had been watching him finally made it to his side, Tommy had still paid no mind to them. 

"H-how are you back?", The person's voice cracked a bit, almost as if they had forced the question out. Tommy said nothing and just continued walking, almost as if he didn't hear the question. But that was when Tommy let out a small huff and stopped walking looking down to meet the person in the eyes.

"That overgrown green Teletubby", He simply and started walking once more, straying off the path and into the forest, leaving Q there all alone. Once he was deep enough into the forest, he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in and pulled out a map. As he pulled out his sword to slash through the overgrow, he silently hoped no one discovered what he had tried to hide. Once he was where the X on the map was, he was happy that his prayers of the secrecy of this place was answered. Tommy stuck his hand out to move the vines to revel a mouth of a cave. 

As Tommy pulled out a torch from his inventory he silently felt as though someone was watching, but he smushed that feeling down and walked inside, unknown to the fact that a winged man was indeed watching him 

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