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The smell of disinfectant made feel sick. I opened my eyes and saw a woman who is wearing a pure white scrub suit. Was she a nurse? What is she doing here? I realized that it wasn't my room in the first place. She walked towards me and asked me unfamiliar things. I feel hazy. Where am I?

I tried to sit but I couldn't. She was saying something and I couldn't hear her at all. She uttered something while talking to someone on the phone. The next thing I knew is there a middle-aged man and woman who entered the room where I was in and walked towards me then hugged me.

Protect your new body at all cost.

I suddenly remember someone saying those words to me.

The wind coming from the window makes the curtains of the bed dance while I was trying to read the situation I was in.

I touched my hair. My hair was never been wavy. It was always straight.

I never had such a comfortable bed nor a curtains with it.

It seems like an angel are real.

"Are you alright?" the man who just hugged me a while ago asked me.

"Thank god" the woman said while almost crying.

I wasn't in the hospital but there is a suero in my left hand. They immediately called a doctor who is now asking me tons of question. Its actually a good thing that his questions are just related to what I am feeling right now because I myself have also a lot of question to myself right now. That's what I thought when he suddenly asked what was the last event I attended.

Have I ever attended an event in the first place? I think I must make the situation turn into 'back to square one' so that I won't be having a hard time for the next few days.

"I don't know" I answered. "I have no idea who guys are you" My tear can't help but to fall. I have a new life now but how about my previous life, how about my family?

"Shhh...its alright" the woman hushed me and hugged me. "its gonna be alright, mama is here kay?"

Erin. The nurse earlier called me that name while the man and woman earlier was addressed as 'Velarde' by the doctor, then my name must be Erin Velarde. The whole afternoon was filled with question and ended up with 'what-to-do-thing'. Dr. Simon said I got myself into accident while cycling in the middle of the night slept for two months straight and miraculously doesn't have any problems at all with my health now that is why I can go back to my old routine provided that I will have my weekly checkup. What does the real Erin even doing in the middle of the night in the first place?

Mama told me that I can even go back to school as soon as possible if I want to. I still feel awkward about addressing them as mama and papa. They introduced me to Sita, a woman is who I think a five year older than me, my 'sidekick' the claimed. That girl must know a lot about the real Erin. She is even the one who said where I was going to study and what I was going to study.

The semester will start in two weeks and she also added that its a good that I was in coma while there is still a vacation. Coma aside, it must be a really good thing because if I woke up while Erin is in vacation I will get in trouble.

Night time came and I got no choice but to lay in the bed again, guess this body of Erin is destined to lay in bed. I had to sleep for tomorrow, I must know everything about Erin not that I must impersonate her but to protect myself.

"Miss Erin" a familiar voice called me. The rays of the sun touched my face it must be because of Sita opened the window. I slightly opened my eyes and confirmed it with my own eyes. I wasn't dreaming. What happened yesterday is real. I sat on my bed while trying to clear my sight. Now that people aren't around, I have realized now that Erin wasn't that a materialistic person. Her room looks really luxurious but I really saw nothing on what she likes. "I have already prepared your bath Miss" Sita prepared a dress for me and left in my bed. Erin must be really lucky.

Sita told me that were going to places where I used to go. Maybe it is for me to remember so..."can't you tell me instead?" I asked her.

"I can miss but it would be more helpful if we go to see the places" she answered.

I started asking her questions.


"Yes miss? please do not hesitate to ask me" she said with twinkling eyes.

"Do I have friends or anything?" Erin must have one right? It would be really problem to me if she has one though. "Or... Are we friends?"

Sita blushed. "You don't have one miss but there was this girl named Rhiannon from Galvez Family who is also niece of Dr. Simon whom you almost became friends"

"almost..." Erin must be introvert doesn't have any friend at all, I feel bad for her. Isn't she lonely?

"You might meet her soon miss, you will both attend the same school and the same year as well miss" she added.

"How about those papers Sita?" I pointed the papers in the large study table.

"Those are the projects you are working with miss, you work for your company miss since you turn eighteen. Mr. Velarde have been busy since you got into accident miss" She must be intelligent.

ERIN VELARDE. Eighteen years old, works for their company that is one of the leading provider of quality furniture and mattress in the country. Got into accident in the middle of the night. I have to know more about her.

"One more thing miss..." Sita said.

"Please tell me" I hungrily gave the permission her to speak for more.

"I don't know if I was in the place to tell you this but as a loyal servant of yours...three months ago, Mr. Velarde suggested you to be friend with Raven Galvez, brother of Rhiannon. You haven't met him as far as I know but you freaked out back then and made it made you work to the bone" Personally. I will freaked out as well if I was in her situation. She must be having a hard time making friends.

I as well have no friends back then. We are the same. It was as if we are matched its just that she was more blessed than me?

Be careful someone wants to kill her.

A voice suddenly filled my mind, it must be him the one who give me a second chance to live.

I have to protect this body.

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