Chapter 1

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A flash of lightning lit up the pitch black sky as a shuttle broke through the stormy cloud cover. The wet grass lowered as the ship folded up its wings for a landing approach. Rain drummed incessantly against the metal outer wall. 

The exit platform lowered to the ground, paving the way for a lieutenant and four armed Imperial soldiers to exit the ship and position themselves at the side of the hatch. 

In two rows, 30 teenagers filed out of the passenger compartment. Their black uniforms adorned the mark of the Empire. Surrounded by the troops and led by the lieutenant, the uniformed men walked down a path brightly lit by spotlights to a huge gray building. Behind them drew the shadows of three more cutlasses moving through the rain. Even though the youths marched through the rain motionless and with professionally frozen expressions, the tension could be read in their eyes.

The gate opened and gave way to the main building. The roadside was adorned with a few meticulously trimmed bushes. In front of the building stood the majestic-looking stature of Grand Admiral Rae Solane. A few of the youths looked up in awe, but immediately lowered their heads. A large door was opened in front of theirs both the soldiers and the youth entered the Academy of Arkanis for the first time. Before the destruction of the Empire, the Academy had been one of the most important training grounds for soldiers and officers. However, a secret council under Rae Solane was already forming from the shards of the old Empire. After the New Republic defeated the last Shards on Jakku, Solane and her followers fled to the unknown regions and have since formed into a new force to bring order to the galaxy. 

The bright light of the entrance hall dazzled the youths as they passed the door and were led further into the academy. They looked around in amazement. High ceilings and stone columns adorned the entrance hall. The floor was covered with dark marble. From a distance, they could hear the monotonous footsteps of other groups of soldiers.

The lieutenant leading the group saluted an oncoming officer. The corridors were lit by white light and the rain pattered against the large windows the group strode past. They stopped in front of a large door. The lieutenant turned to the youth. ,,Behind this door is your chance to become a significant part of the new order. The commander will now receive you." With a whoosh, the door opened. The lieutenant and the youths marched into a large gray hall. The walls were covered with slightly protruding metal squares. Above the hall was a control bridge. Below hung a large banner with an insignia that was new to many of the youth. Only now did they notice the many other soldiers standing together in troops spread throughout the hall. Below the insignia was a platform on which several high-ranking officers sat in dark chairs.

The lieutenant led the youths in front of the platform and bid them farewell with a salute. All at once a door behind the platform opened and an older man in the uniform of a commander stepped out. Immediately, everyone present in the hall saluted as the head of the academy mounted the platform in front of him so that everyone could see him. Slight whispering broke out among the young people.

 "That's Brendol Hux..." "He served under the Jedi in the time of the Old Republic..."

The whispering was interupted, as Commander Hux now rose to speek:

"It gives me great pleasure to welcome the many new aspirants for a place in the most prestigious academy in our halls. Some of you, I am sure, have been working your entire lives toward one day assuming a position of prominence in the First Order. Never forget the privilege that comes with a degree from the Academy. Only diligence, talent, and skill will enable you to one day make a considerable contribution to restoring order to the galaxy. 

You have already proven through your theoretical test a few weeks ago that you have the theoretical potential to enter the Academy. But do you also possess the practical? In order to be finally accepted into the academy, you must pass the test that now follows. If you fail today, you will lose your chance for a career with the First Order. Prove your ability!" 

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