The Cries Of Usagi Chap. 2

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I lay on my bed thinking about my day. Tuxedo Mask, Tuxedo Mask.. I thought to myself. "He seems cool." I whispered to myself, burrowing my head into my cold pillow. I started to think about the Sailor Guardians as well. All the people I have met today seem familiar. "Eh." I brush aside my thoughts and head straight to sleep.


In the morning, I woke up with the same dream and the same throbbing headache as before. I complete my routine of showering, brushing my teeth, getting dressed, packing my bag, and eating breakfast.

After my routine, I rushed out my door, locking it behind me. "Ugh! A-ah, ouch!" I tried to whisper as my headache killed me both internally and physically. I quickly grabbed my head to sooth the pain. I make a face as I touch my sore forehead.

I remember that Tuxedo Mask had warned me not to go on that route. I contemplated which path I should start going from now on. Once I decided, I started to walk to my school, Juban Muncipal High School.

On my way to school, I passed Juban Public Middle School. There was a girl with blonde hair styled with two buns, ending with two long pigtails. Her hair shined in the sun. Her hair style resembled Sailor Moon's hair style. She looks a bit familiar, I think to myself. She's really pretty though. I smile in the girl's direction.

The girl stood there, somewhat hiding behind the gates, bending down, and talking to a black cat with a bandaid on its forehead. "Mm?" I mumble to myself. "Aren't pets not allowed there?"

Not paying attention to where I was going, I bumped into someone. "Eek!" I yelled as I fell to the stone ground, looking a bit dumb-founded as I looked at the boy towering above me. He had dark charcoal colored, it glistened in the sunlight. The boy wore the Moto-Azabu High School uniform.

"I'm sorry." The boy apologizes and helps me off the ground. He easily lifts me up with one hand. "Thank you." I say as I dust off my pants/skirt. "I'm s-" I attempted to say. Before I could say anything else, the boy ran past me in a rush.

"Eh?" I call out. Did he miss his bus or something? I mean, the Moto-Azabu High School is a very prestigious school with high expectations for their students. I wouldn't be surprised it that happens to other students. I shrug and continue to walk to my school.

After school, I head to the public library to study. I started to walk down a new short-cut to get to the library faster. "This short-cut should work well, all the third years are using it." I said out loud.

Only after a short time of walking down the path, I see the blonde middle schooler from earlier running down the path while stumbling around, her blonde, shiny, and long pigtails bouncing on her back as she ran on the rocky path.

As I look away, for not even a second, the girl collapses after her ankle twists in an odd way. She screamed out. "Eeek!"

"Hey!" I yelled out to her, bending down to see where she was feeling hurt. While laying down my stuff, I asked, "Are you alright?"

"Ouch!" The girl yelps. "I-I'm fine!" The girl tries to reassure me. Large tears start to form in her eyes and her mouth starts to tremble. "Are y-" My sentence gets cut off by an troublesome cry that can make someone scream from how loud and irritating it was.

"Waaaaaaa"! It hurts so much!" The girl whines. "Do you ne-" "Waaaaaaaa! But I have to go somewhere!" The girl cried.

The blonde-haired girl sluggishly gets up from the ground after slowly picking up her stuff and quickly walks away while still whining, leaving me behind on the ground with my stuff scattered.

As she speed-walks away, her school id slowly drifts from her bag, landing directly in front of me. I picked up the card. My eyes fell directly on her name. 'Usagi Tsukino.'

(Author's note: I apologize for being gone for so long

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(Author's note: I apologize for being gone for so long. I have had school and had no motivation nor ideas for this chapter. Please continue to support me! Also, please expect chapter 4 to come out somewhere between next week and this weekend.)

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