Hey, stop. It's okay. Don't cry. I'm fine.

Why can't I hear myself?

"I'm sorry." He whispers. He just keeps whispering that, over and over. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"This is my fault. I could've— I saw..." His eyes are rimmed red with tears. "You're going to be fine. You're going to be fine, alright? Look at me, please."

I meet eyes with him. And I'm surprised to see a strange glow lining his hand, gleaming a warm silver. It's almost like a flame.

"When you wake," He whispers.

"You won't remember any of this."

What is he saying?

"I'll wash away the blood. I'll heal your scars." He says quietly. I can feel him shaking, see his hands trembling anxiously.

"You were never hurt. You were born mute. Your parents— your family. I'll alter their memories as well, if I have to. You were born mute."

Was he a little bit crazy?

I don't understand what he's trying to do.

"When you wake." He whispers, closing his eyes. "Come back here. I will be waiting for you. You will end up coming back, even if you don't know why you want to come here so much."

When his eyes open again, the tears glistening in his lashes are speckles of silver.

"And I'll teach you the language of silence."


My eyes jerk open.

And I instantly sit up, my hands fisting the sheets. Cold sweat covers my forehead, and I blink— once, twice, until I slowly recognize the arched ceiling and the bed I'd been sleeping on.

What was that?

It's still so clear in my mind.

Then there's a soft knock against the door.

"My lady? May I come in?"


Hurrying off the bed, I shuffle across the room and pull open the door. He blinks the moment I do, his eyes slowly taking notice of my confused expression.

"Is everything alright?"

I nod, wiping my forehead with my sleeve.

"I'm sorry if I woke you." He says softly. "But I've just heard."

"The Crown Prince has been released."

My eyes widen.

He has?

He nods. "He is recovering, for the Gala. The Lord Elven cannot keep his son away from such a huge event."

I realize. So it's just one day.

"One day." He confirms. "And he will be back in chains. Tomorrow is the only chance we can take him away. When you can take him away."

His expression turns bitter. "Please. He has suffered for too long."

Wait, Jimin.

I wanted to ask, I sign. Ever since yesterday. Why did you tell me that his soul was growing weaker? You said that the magic was taking it, little by little.

"It's the link."

"Nothing, my lady." He says with a steady look. "Comes without a price. This connection you have with him isn't by coincidence."

"He's linked his mind to yours. And every time he connects with you, he uses his magic. Using his magic leeches his soul."

My body tenses, signs rapid.

Then why has he been using it until now?!

I'd had no idea.

Jimin gives me a meaningful look.

"Maybe the Prince determined that it was better."

"To exchange his soul, for a few words with you."

"He loves you that much, my lady."



I hear my father's cold voice in the background.

"He just needs to be able to stand tomorrow at the Gala." He tells the healer. "Just heal him enough to look presentable. Anything over that is unnecessary."

The sheets are cool against my face.

And with a weak breath, I flex my wrists. There are no chains there, and I slowly touch my neck, my breaths still strained.

I can feel the imprint, embedded into my skin. But no silver, no metal.

I'm free.

"After the Gala, he'll return back to the dungeons."


I hear my father leave the infirmary. And I try to put strength in my legs— my arms. Even trying takes my breath away.

I'm weak. I'm so weak.

I couldn't escape, with my body like this.

Despair slowly clouds my eyes.

Then to my surprise, I hear the Healer speak softly.

"What has he done to you, Your Highness?"

I press back a bitter laugh. How bad I must look, to even have the silent Healer talk like this.


"Yes, my Prince?"

"Could I— Could I have a mirror?" I whisper, my fingertips still against my neck.

"Of course, Your Highness."

I have to bite back a breath when he lifts a small mirror over my face. My dark locks are matted with blood and sweat, my eyes hollow and the color of the dullest gray. Scars litter my cheeks, and my lips are pale.

But my neck.

The imprint of the chains. It's so deep into my skin that the moment I see it, I know I will have to carry with me forever.

A reminder. For the rest of my life.

"I'm sorry." The Healer whispers. "Your neck— I will be able to make it better. But the mark will last."


Pain makes my eyes squeeze back close.

I was ashamed, to show Rinei who I'd become.

This mess, I'd become.

ELVEN | K.THNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ