The next few weeks were a blur but before you knew it, it was the morning of your wedding day and you were in the Starbucks drive-thru getting coffee with Liz before heading to get your hair done. After you placed the order for your drinks Liz chuckled then said

"Do you think if Cory would be mad if he found out we didn't get coffee from him?" You took the drinks from the barista and laughed as you handed them to Liz replying

"No, cause we are bringing him his drink and he'll be happy he didn't have to make it." You both agreed in the logic and laughed at the thought. When you were at the salon you met up with the rest of you wedding party, including JJ and Arrow as your flower girls and Julie along with one of your cast mates as your other bridesmaids. Donna had brought your girls and was giving you a hug the second you walked in, saying

"I can't wait for it to be official that you're my daughter." You squeezed Donna a little tighter replying

"Neither can I! Thank you Donna, thanks for everything." You smiled seeing everyone else, there for you. You looked at the stylist and told them what you'd like done and took your seat. You knew it was just the nerves and how anxious you were to see Jensen, but with every minute it took to get ready, it felt like an eternity. 

Before you knew it you were getting into your dress and preparing to walk down the isle. All the other girls in the room were dressed and beginning to put their makeup on as you had Liz help you into your dress. 

You looked in the mirror and then all your feelings hit you

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You looked in the mirror and then all your feelings hit you. You began to feel the tears tug at your eyelids but when Liz looked back up at you she laughed saying

"You can't cry yet! The day hasn't even started." You laughed, turning around to give your friend a hug and thanked her for being there but then it was time for you to walk and marry the man of your dreams. 

The second you locked eyes with Jensen you broke into a huge smile and the tears escaped. Jensen returned the smile but leaned forward clapping in excitement; his eyes never leaving yours. When you joined him you both whispered you loved each other and you knew in that moment, you could not be happier. 

After the ceremony you grabbed Jensen's hand tightly and gave him another kiss before the two of you screamed in celebration and walked back down the isle, high-fiving family in friends as you made you way out. 

The remaining of the night was filled with laughter and so much love you didn't know you could feel this much joy

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The remaining of the night was filled with laughter and so much love you didn't know you could feel this much joy. After dinner and the speeches it was time for you and Jensen to have your first dance. You honestly were happy for a moment 'alone' with him. All night you had been running around saying 'hello' and 'thank you' to all your loved ones who came, you were happy to have a moment and just absorb it with Jensen. 

As the song played Jensen grabbed your hand twirling you onto the dance floor. You smiled then reconnected and rested your arms on his shoulders. You two swayed for a little bit and then threw in a few swing dance moves but when you reconnected your hands you laughed giving Jensen one more kiss then said

"Thank you" Jensen raised an eyebrow with a smirk on his face as he asked

"Are you thanking me for not tripping you? You have no reason to thank me." You chuckled but then shook your head and replied

"No, I do. Thank you for this life. I never expected that my clumsiness would give me a husband and the most important person in my life, aside from my kids." Jensen smiled and wrapped a hand around your neck, giving you a more passionate kiss but then you continued "I'm serious. I love all that you are but I love what you've done for me, and continue to do. You made me confident in my body and in myself again, and I didn't think that would ever happen. You're the one person I can always rely on and I could not imagine a better partner to help me raise those beautiful kids with." You gave Jensen a quick peck then said "I love you Jensen Ross Ackles, today and until the day I die, and in the afterlife." You two kissed one more time and then when you looked back at Jensen you saw he had soft tears falling down his cheeks. You laughed as you wiped them away saying

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry in front of everyone." Jensen laughed then replied

"Y/n, I wouldn't be here without you. I mean that literally. You and the kids are the reason for me to keep fighting and moving forward, and I would do anything for you guys. But you were the one who pulled me out of those trenches. When Mackenzie..." He coughed for a second, recollecting his voice then continued "When Kenzie died, I felt like a part of me died too, and I was the worst version of myself, but you were still there and showed me the love I needed. Thank you for that. I can never repay you, but I promise you, I will be here and try to keep that smile on your face for the rest of our lives. I love you so much Y/n Ackles." 

You both were crying now as you laughed and then kissed Jensen once more. You both felt like you owed each other so much, but truly it was your love for each other and your loved ones that made you stronger than ever. You both just laughed at each other but then Jensen wiped your face as he said

"No more tears tonight, tonight we are celebrating." You laughed nodding your head in agreement. Jensen quickly spun you around as the song came to an end but the two of you remained there for a little longer. Then others began to join you on the dance floor as a new song played. Liz was the first to join you along with James, and Josh and Julie in tow. All surrounding you and throwing their arms in the air to the beat of the new song. When JJ came running over to you, you bent down and held her in the air for a moment before you brought her back down, resting on your hip as you danced along to the music. You looked around, smiling at everyone you loved; knowing it couldn't get better. 

Your wedding night was the second best day of your life, second to having your children and seeing them meet their older sister. As the night went on, your heart just filled with memories you knew you would hold onto for the rest of your life. You never imagined your life would change all because of one coffee, but you wouldn't change a thing. You had your happy ever after, and you knew it was just the beginning of your journey. 

Author--Well that's it! Thank you all, so much, for reading this!! I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you @bethyl15 for the recommendation, I hope you liked it. :) Thank you all for reading and supporting my book. Much, much love! :) 

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