Chapter 3: Structural Cracks part 1

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It had been a week after those who had made it to Beacon had been on a team, and to say there was tension in the room of Team JADE was an understatement. Delilah was particularly coldly adverse towards Evie for reasons unknown to the team aside from Delilah. Jay was not going to tolerate this. At first he thought it was a matter of everyone needing time to adjust to the dorms and being a part of a team. While Jay wasn't going to presume that this teammates would be as quickly adaptable as he, he would ensure that all problems with his team and within it would be resolved by him. He would figure this out quickly, for a house divided against itself could not stand. Jay decided to go straight to the source. He entered his dorm where Evie and Delilah were doing their own thing. Evie was writing lyrics for her next song and Delilah was sitting. Whether she was deep in thought or disassociating was unknown. Evie looked deep into her work so he wasn't going to disturb her right now. Jay calmly took his time to approach Delilah. She sensed movement towards her and shifted her head to its source. Her tension lessens at the sight of her leader and partner. She offers her usual smile.
Delilah: "Hello boss. Back early from your business?" He had told them he had important business to get to after classes. What he hadn't told them was it was scouting Ozpin's office. He noted there had been a few locked cabinets but he first thought it wiser to explore the building. He could then check the contents at his leisure. He nodded at her.
Jay: "It went well... How are you Delilah?" He noticed she was still tense but knew of a method that would more put her at ease. "How's about weapons training?" She relaxed a bit. Evie closed her notebook.
Delilah: "Are we hunting more Grimm?" He shook his head. She arched an eyebrow. "Then what?"
Jay: "Team weapons training. We'll wait for Angelo to return then we'll head to the cliff." They both looked at him with curiosity. While they waited, Jay thought about how the week went and how he almost had a confrontation with Yang...


Everyone entered Professor Port's class. He at first taught about the importance of the duty that was being a huntsmen before breaking off into stories of his youth. Jay and his team paid attention though his fellow classmates looked bored. Ruby tried entertaining her teammates with Yang approving, Blake offering a smile and Weiss had anger building in a vain attempt to ignore her leader. Jay found himself partially sympathizing with Weiss. Professor Port finally asked if any of the students exhibit any of the traits mentioned. Weiss quickly raises her hand.
Weiss: "I do sir!" Port looked pleased and invited her down to test her. She looked at the cage as did the rest of the class. He told Weiss to ready herself. Weiss assumed her stance waiting for whatever was in that cage. Team JADE and RBY watched with interest. The cage door opened. A Boarbatusk immediately came charging out. Weiss got into her fighting stance and waited for the grimm to come to her. After a few moments, it came at her rolling into a ball at fast speeds. Weiss was able to parry the attack.
Yang: "Way to go!"
Blake: "Represent team RWBY well!"
Ruby: "Go Weiss!" Jay noticed that Weiss looked irritable at Ruby's cheer but he himself said nothing. He heard the Schnees were a prideful lot so he wanted to see if they had the ability to back their boasting. Or if Weiss did at the very least. Weiss noticeably more distracted, got here sword Myrtenaster caught in the Boarbatusk's tusks. It quickly disarmed her.
Port: "Oho what will you do now without your weapon?" It charged her. She barely rolled out of the way. She grabbed her weapon and dodged once more. Weiss appeared frustrated from her current display.
Ruby: "Weiss its weak point is its stomach! Attack its stomach!" Weiss gritted her teeth almost enraged.
Weiss: "Ruby can you be quiet?! I'm trying to focus!" Ruby looked down to the floor, her feelings hurt. Jay noted that while she was distracted, she wasn't doing anything particularly impressive either. Weiss using her glyphs was able to flip the grimm on its back where she could finally deliver the last decisive blow. Weiss was victorious but she certainly didn't feel like it. Jay and Delilah were unimpressed, if anything Jay looked disappointed, while Evie and Angelo looked pleased with Weiss's victory. To Jay, Weiss's uses of glyphs should have given her a tactical advantage, especially against the grimm type she fought against. With the bell ringing signifying the end of class, Weiss hastily packed her papers and huffed out of class. Jay watched and saw opportunity. Maybe he could forge an alliance with Ruby and her teammates by playing advisor to the young inexperienced leader or use it as a basis for a potential bond with family. Jay turned to his teammates.
Jay: "I'll catch up with you guys in the next class." They all nodded or acknowledged his statement. As they headed to their next class, Jay decided to follow Ruby. He overheard part of Weiss's speech about how Ruby being named leader was a mistake. Ruby appeared to take it deeply personal. Jay walked up to Ruby with a look of concern.
Jay: "You alright Ruby?" She shook her head sadly.
Ruby: "Just.... Was it a mistake to name me leader?" Jay's gaze was blank. Ruby was waiting for a response. She grew worried after about thirty seconds of silence. Jay finally spoke.
Jay: "Truly it's too early to say. However it would be not only in your best interests, but in the best interests of your team to erase those doubts. As leaders, we don't have certain luxuries afforded those we lead. Right now, all you can do is demonstrate why you're named leader. If you're one to follow, Weiss will eventually fall in line. Just do your best." Ruby felt a fiery determination course through her. Jay felt a presence behind him. He locked eyes with Ozpin. They spoke without a single word and they understood.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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