chapter two

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Meredith's POV-

"Mer.. I need to tell you something." Isabella says playing with her sleeves.

"Okay? What's up." I reply, confused.

"I'm an addict, well a recovering addict. I've been clean for 4 years and was using for 2." She says and continues to play with her sleeves.

"But you are okay now?" I ask as I take  her hands in mine.

"Yeah, I'm fine now." She says with a small smile

"Why don't we go get some coffee and then go for a walk while you tell me?" I ask standing up, holding my hand for her to take again.

"I would like that." She says as she takes my hand and let's me lead her over to the coffee cart.

We had got our coffees about an hour ago, we have been walking in silence since but when I go to speak Isabella blurted something out.

"I was 19, moving to new York to start a peds fellowship while also escaping our mother." She says and takes a deep breath before carrying on. "I was stressed so I thought why not relax it will be a one time thing."

She stopped again and walked over to a grassy area and sat down, I followed her. Sitting to her left and staring out to the busy over veiw of the  city.

"That one time turned into a 2 year thing. I was high at moms funeral, that's why I avoided you that day. I knew you would be able to tell." She says with a dry chuckle. "One day my friend Kaylee Brooke's realised and helped me. She booked me into rehab, lived with me when I got out and always told me that it wasn't my fault and u should be proud of myself for getting through it because I was not stupid and selfish. I was sick, I was mentally and physically sick."

She started to cry, so I gently brought her into my arms and rocked her side to side.

"I went into rehab at 21 and came out 22. I was in there a year, refusing to accept help but I finally gave in. Now here I am 25 and 4 years sober." She says with a small smile, tucking herself in my side.

"You and this kaylee got engaged?" I ask as I continue to comfort her.

"We started dating about 3 months after I left rehab. She asked me to marry her when I was 23. It was beautiful, she had all our friends and her family hold Rose's out for me while my favourite song was playing. She got down on one knee and promised to love me forever." She wipes a tear off if her cheek. "We were engaged until 3 months ago. I had got back from my 2nd dress fitting ti find her in bed with an 3rd year resident that was still older than me."

"Oh isa...I'm so sorry." I say as I play with her hair.

"I thought about gets high for almost two months. I am did but then bailey reached out offering me a job. I thought why  not have a fresh start." She says as she snuggles into my side more.

"Hey, if you every slip or feel like you are  you come to me and I will help you." I tell my younger sister. I may have not been there at the start of her problems but I am going to be there now.

"Can you drive me to the hotel?" She asks as she sits up straight.

"Hotel?" I ask confused.

"Yeah, I walked to work today so my car is still there."

"You are staying at a hotel?" I ask again, why is she staying at a hotel if she leaves here now.

"Yep, I wanted to move as soon as I could. I'm staying at the hotel near by until I find a place to live." She says with a chuckle, some how finding it funny as she gets up off the grass.

"You can stay with me. I mean its literally our childhood home, me, Amelia and Maggie live there with the kids." I say getting up myself to follow her. " we would turn the attic into your room."

She stops and turns to me with the pout she had growing up.

"Mermaid..  I would love to but how would your kids feel with a stranger moving in. Hell how would Maggie and Amelia."

"My kids know about you! I made sure of it, they have seen pictures of you and lexie. Amelia will be fine with it and Maggie always wanted to meet you ever since she found out about you." I say trying to reach out for her hand.

"Yeah but knowing and living with is different meredith. Look forget the ride, I'll see you at work tomorrow and tell Maggie that If she wants to get to know me she can." She says before jogging out of the park knowing I couldn't chase after her in my heels.

Sighing I walk out of the park and back to the hospital.

Once I get back I see Maggie walking around looking for someone.

"What's up Maggie?" I asks as she spots me and runs over.

"I heard that Isabella is back! That she is going by a different last name. Have you seen her, I cant wait to meet her! I have a baby sister. I mean I already knew that but now it's real." She rambles on and I just let her, knowing if it doesn't happen now it will happen later.

"Yes, I have. She went by Brooke's for a while but she is going back to grey. We went for a walk and talked for a while." I say pulling her to sit down on the nearest seat.

"Guys! Have you seen your sister? I said I would take her to meet- meet someone." Amelia says running over to us.

"She told me, it's nice of you to help her find a group." I say as I pull her to join me and Maggie on the seat. "Shes at her hotel."

"A hotel? I thought she moved for a job here?" Maggie asks confused.

"She did, apparently she just moved here needing a fresh start so shes living in a hotel until she finds a place." I explain getting ready to talk about her moving in, if I get them on board with the idea. We could easily get Isabella on board.

"That's not good for her sobriety, she needs a stable and constant environment to stay sober." Amelia says confused.

"Shes an addict?" Maggie asks more confused than all of us.

"Yes, shes been sober for four years though. But Amelia is right that could tip her over, shes already admitted to me that before she moved here she was always thinking about doing drugs."

"She can move in with us?" Maggie as she takes in all the infront shes getting about her baby sister she hasn't even met yet.

"I asked that and she said that knowing and living together is a different thing. And then she ran off."

"Knowing and living?" Amelia asks, her now matching Maggie in being confused.

"I told her that you guys wanted to know her so you would be fine with her moving in and the same with the kids. That was her reply." I tell them.

"Well Tomorrow when she starts work we can all try to convince her to move in." Amelia says before getting up and going to pick the kids up as she was the first one to finish today.

"Maggie, she also said something about  you." I say to Maggie before she gets up to go back to work.


"She said if you wanted to get to know her you can. She wants to get to know you too."

"Really?" She asks hopefully.

"Really." I say with a smile.

"Yes!" She says with a small jump making me laugh as she walks away.

Isabella's POV-

I was getting settled in my hotel bed, watching some tv when my phone went.

It was a message from bailey asking how I was and if I was ready to start work tomorrow.

I replied with the standard 'I'm good and ready for tomorrow' message before plugging my phone in and going to sleep.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to meet one of my 3 older sisters I've never met or heard of tomorrow.

Not proof read
1425 words.

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