Chapter 004: The First Tournament

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Shao Kahn
"Incredible, they're stronger than I hoped, they all have done well training them in my name. "

The Setting is one of the many realms beyond the main cluster, one where the denizens were running in terror as a trio of high-speed projectiles devastated their cities and killed them en mass. The group was spread across their major cities causing untold destruction on an unseen scale. From another Realm within a dark throne room, in front of the main Throne with a red-eyed tyrant looking through it to view the events. 

"The girl. Zula is the best warrior here, she is a skillful hand-to-hand fighter, like a shokan she is half dragon and the strongest of her creed. With powerful claws and teeth that allow her to cut through anything and fire strong enough to melt down any material. The Muscle of the group."

The citizens of the Southern city were fleeing as their towers fell and streets cracked, the debris fell upon them and they fell miles underground thanks to the cracks. While this all happened the aggressor watched from above in sick, gleeful satisfaction her arm spread and chest puffed out as she inhaled the smell of blood, dust, and metal. The girl exhaled a stream of flame before looking back down and swooping upon the citizens. The monster extends her arms out before flying through the squishy little bodies and spilling them everywhere.

The monster then flew upwards into the sky all the way into the vacuum of space before turning back and speeding back down as a arrowhead of fire. One that swooped through the city causing buildings to dissolve into molten mist and melted glass. When she finally stopped she lifted her head, inhaled, and bellowed out a stream of fire that flew through what remained of the city until all that was left was a searing canyon where the city used to be. A seating reminder of what used to be. A seating reminder of the brutal might of Zula of Viltrum.

"However, if she's any student of Goro she's bound to be as useful as a bag of stones. Tobi on the other hand is exceptionally versatile. As a half-Edenian, his pedigree grants him high affinity for many forms of Magick. Tobi has constructed an arsenal of magical items which aid him in battle. A versatile ."

Beyond the ruined municipality a sextet of beings can be seen running through a natural biome. The one stuck in the middle was the thinnest and most important, his bodyguards were ushering him into a nearby bunker. However, they were all jolted upward as the ground lurched underneath them. Suddenly the ground split and the group began falling into a crack in the earth. It wasn't very deep but it was wide enough to endure they fell in. When they did the pit suddenly snapped shut, crushing everyonea feet and taking away their ability to run away.

The culprit was only a few dozen feet away watching this, he hovered forward as a number of large rings pulled themselves from his arms and hovered behind him in a makeshift halo. The bodyguards finally caught wind of him they whipped around and fired on him with bullets, however, the perpetrator swings his arm forward as a ring flies in front of his hand glowing an ominous orange before a expelling a massive ring of white fire. As the rounds hit the flames they completely disintegrated without harming the attacker. He then followed it up by summoning a green rings before slamming it down into the ground causing a green glow to spread underground. Suddenly massive roots began to emerge from the ground before wrapping themselves around the guards, restraining them and allowing the attacker to advance on them without resistance. Instead of slaying them all then and there, he generously slid past the guard and took hold of their leader. Who was passing out from blood loss, the assailant quickly flies off into the sky, abducted by Tobi of Viltrum.

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