Chapter 12: March 17th 11:00 AM

ابدأ من البداية


i gtg now

im making cupcakes

bye !

Liked by Xingqiu

Xingqiu was dazzled. Chongyun was okay. So was his mom. He couldn't wait to go to their house. Although the aspect of seeing Chongyun's mom again was a bit awkward. It's alright, it's Chongyun's mom. Your boyfriend's mom. That made it scarier, actually.


There was a knock from the door.

Chongyun's mom knew immediately who it was. She arched a light blue eyebrow at Chongyun. "Xingqiu?"


Chongyun's mom sighed but smiled and opened the door. Her eyes met with Xingqiu's golden ones.


"Um..." Xingqiu started, before realizing he had no idea what to say.

"Xingqiu, we can go to my bedroom," Said Chongyun, rescuing him.

Xingqiu nodded gratefully. Chongyun's mom opened the door and stepped aside for him. "Do you two want any food?" She asked.

Both Chongyun and Xingqiu shook their heads. "No, thank you."

Xingqiu followed Chongyun up the stairs to his bedroom, trying to pretend he wasn't nervous about Chongyun's mom. Chongyun's mom looked a lot like Shenhe, but her eyes were pure blue, not an ombre like Shenhe's, and her hair was also styled differently.

Chongyun opened the door for Xingqiu. He then closed it to give them privacy. They sat down on Chongyun's bed—Chongyun trying to get the blanket out of the way.

"How are you, Yunyun?" Asked Xingqiu. He had to ask.

Chongyun gave him a smile. "I'm fine...I wanted to thank you," He said. "For being with me this entire time." He blushed. "I kind of seemed ungrateful..."

"You weren't ungrateful, Yunyun. You were stressed, and anyone can understand that." Xingqiu and Chongyun sat down on Chongyun's bed. "But you are okay? I can pull pranks on you now?"

"W-ha? I'm okay but the pranks—"

"Alright!" Grinned Xingqiu. " what should I do for my next glorious prank? Perhaps one day you would find that all your socks have turned pink..."


Xingqiu's heart warmed from Chongyun's nickname. "I'm joking, hehe..."

Chongyun gave him a look of doubt.

"But I'm still your boyfriend?" Asked Xingqiu shyly. "It's okay if—"

"Of course you are, Xingqiu. I would not have made it through without you." Chongyun said sincerely, blushing slightly. He took out a popsicle and licked it.

Xingqiu sighed contently. "What are you reading? Are you done Lovers Without the Quarrel?"

"I'm on the last chapter..."

Xingqiu's eyes lit up. "We can read it together! Where is it?"

Chongyun reached for the book that was buried under his blankets, still clutching his popsicle. He went to the page where a candy wrapper was in. He avoided Xingqiu's eyes as he took out the candy wrapper and held it in his other palm.

Feelings (Genshin Impact Xingyun fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن