3- Friendships for Life

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1 day ago...

I was working at the public library when someone came running from behind and jumped to back hug me.

We both squealed and I immediately knew it was my best friend Bahiyyih.

We both squealed and I immediately knew it was my best friend Bahiyyih

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"Be quiet!! It's a library some of us are trying to read." Some Karen whisper yelled at us.

We pretended to be sorry but rolled our eyes and laughed while we received some judgmental glares.

"Sooooo!!! How was it?" I ask her in a whisper excitedly.

"I got it!!!" She whispered back and we jumped in a hug.

"Annnnnd I also got you a job as well..." she said smiling slyly while raising one of her eyebrows.

My smile faded into confusion.


"WHAT?!!" I shouted.

Immediately all the people started shushing me.

"What?!" I said in a whisper this time.

"Ji (nickname), I thought you did be happy..." she asked, confused by my response.

"Hiyyih, this is not my forte! I don't like my private life being recorded and you know that." I reason with her.

I push my cart of books to the next shelf.
"But Ji this is a lifetime opportunity! You are always juggling jobs and this is your golden ticket to enjoying yourself."

"But-" I try to argue but she cuts me off.

"No more buts! It is everything you need-
•It pays well.
•It will give you time to date. Seriously, when was the last time you went on a date.
• Plus I will be there with you. Pleaseeeeee do it for me!!" she begged me with puppy eyes.

I thought about it since I just lost a job at the cafe bc of that jerk.
I am still not sure if it was the horsehead dude or the 'sketchy' one.

Probably the 'sketchy one'.

After some thought, I sighed.
"Alright... but you promise you are in this as well right?"

"YES!!" she clapped jumping up and down.
"I will call Somi unnie right away. We are going shopping!"


"Hey bitches!!"

Bahiyyih older sister Somi unnie came to pick us up

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Bahiyyih older sister Somi unnie came to pick us up.

"So annoying!" said Hiyyih.

"Fine! Get yourself an Uber, you prick. I am only driving Ji!" Somi snapped back.

I stifled a laugh at their sibling quarrels.
Hiyyih and Somi always fought like this but loved each other nonetheless.
I envied their relationship as I didn't have any siblings.

I live with my grandparents on the outskirts of Seoul.

My parents had left me with them when I was born and never came back.

My grandparents had contacted the police to search for them as they got worried with passing time.

Later when I was eight years old they told me my parents had died in a car accident when they were on their way to get me.

I met Bahiyyih somewhere around that age in a playground. Although we come from very different backgrounds she was also experiencing something similar.

Bahiyyih is from a business family her Dad is the CEO of a very successful entertainment company and her mom is a world-renowned model.

However, like me, she was also lonely most of the time. We became close quickly I shared my grandparents with her and Somi- they treated them as their granddaughters.

And Hiyyih and Somi cared for me like their sister.
We never left each-others side and understood each-others needs.
Their parents didn't like them visiting my house since it was situated in a lowly neighborhood but Hiyyih didn't mind and snuck out every once in a while.

Every time she had a tough time at home she ran to me and slept over. I shared my problems with her as well.


At the entrance of the girl dorms - Love Games...

"We are here. Good Luck!" Somi said with an energetic jump.

"Thanks!" I reply to her.

"Ji you don't need luck, any guy would fall for your personality!
I was saying that to my rude sister, she needs it since her annoying self won't win her any guys."
Somi said it to annoy Hiyyih.

"I am just kidding!!" Somi unnie bear-hugged me and Hiyyih.

"Let me know if any guy tries to break your heart- I swear I will break every bone in his body!" Somi unnie whispers in mine and Hiyyih's ear.

"Yeah whatever you are grossing me out, now go!!" Hiyyih pretended to be annoyed but gave her sister a tight hug.

I smiled, "Thank you unnie, we will see you after a month or so!" I say waving at her.


Hiyyih and I made our way to the entrance.

I looked at her and took her hand in mine.
"Hiyyih... before we go I want us to promise-"

"-that we will never fight over a guy." She completed my sentence and we smiled.

"Sisters before Misters!" We said in unison.

"Sisters before Misters!" We said in unison

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*A/n's message*

I know this chapter has been slightly off-script but bear with me.
And keep reading it will come in handy.

Also, I would like to dedicate this chapter to some of the best people I met through this app-
I hope to grow our friendship!
And come to learn more about each other perhaps even meet in the future!
Thank you for supporting me!

hyunjineration ❤️
holahala002 ❤️
thisuserloveshyun ❤️

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