chapter 2

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  I pull open the classroom door and the horror I see, or rather the three whom I've met yesterday are sitting next to each other. Must be my messy bun of a hair. "Good morning class, My name is Ms Jason" I say, very out of breath. All that runnning. I got lost a few times. Eliana raises her hand and i pick on her immediatly, "Your not a student?"
"No, Eliana, I am your teacher. New teacher, and I have a few rules I'd like you to adhere to" I declare openly, and turn to jot down my 3 main rules on the board. And as I write a few gasps erupt in the classroom. The chalk I set it down, and turn back around. "James, Jacob and Eliana, once class ends I need you three to stay behind"
   They seemed panicked, but I am not going to soften it for them. "Now, let's begin. I have a game I prepared for you today" I assert, "who here has a ball? Preferably small ball"
   Almost all of the students raised their hands but I was rather interested in, "You in the back, what's your name?"
    "Helena Kim, Miss" the girl in the back with ponytail replied. She dug her bag and found a ball. "Will this do?"
   "Bring it here please" declaring that, I stand with one palm open. Helena hesitates before she comes up and places the ball delicately on my hand. "You can go back to your seat Helena"
   She scurried back to her seat.
"Eliana, I'm gonna start with a date or more specifically a year. I toss this to you, and you have to say something related to that year" I let out. Eliana nodded and gulped. Poor thing. I threw the ball to Helena, and she caught it. She seemed to know if she should pass it or not, "dont pass it just yet"
   She waited. "1492"
"Um...Christopher Columbus" she let out before tossing it back to me.
   As time went on we were having fun and students were opening up. The bell rang just when I was about to toss it to another student. "Eliana, James and Jacob, you stay behind"
   I stare at each of them thinking about what Eliana, James and Jacob could be assigned to do. "Eliana, I'll give you these files to sort through" and I place it in her hands. "Jacob and James, you stay here, Eliana can go back to her room"

Pine Hill Academy: Secrets withinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن