First kiss

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I was busy hanging out with Youngeun and Yeseo. We were talking about how we should spend our summer. "How about swimming at a hotel?" Yeseo suggested, "I would love that but we have to pay, and I don't think we all have enough money. So I don't think that's possible." Once we reached our flats, we waved and said goodbye to each other. I went inside the lift and pressed on my floor. I went inside my apartment and locked my gate and door. I went to my room to do my homework.


I was laying on my bed and wanted to watch some TV. I went to the living room and turned the TV on to watch some "Full House", and "Snowdrop". While I was watching I was craving for popcorn. So I made some. Then I heard the doorbell ring. I peeked at the peephole and saw Yujin-Unnie. I opened it and we greeted each other, "Ui Unnie!" I said, "Hi, watcha doing?" "Oh, um, watching TV. Wanna come in?" She nods and takes her shoes off before coming inside. She sits on the couch and watches "Snowdrop". I closed and locked the door and gate and heard the microwave beep. I opened it and took the popcorn out, putting it in a bowl after. I sat down next to her and we both enjoyed it together. None of my parents were around so Yujin and I could do anything we want. We sang, danced, partied and had fun. We didn't realize this but we actually fell asleep on my bed since we were so tired from partying. But before I fell asleep, I washed the dishes and cleaned up so that insects won't get inside. I went back into my room and saw Yujin-Unnie sleeping already, I smiled. I went beside her and closed my eyes, sending me to dreamland.


I woke up and saw Yujin-Unnie staring at me, I blushed a little and I stretched and yawned. "How's your sleep?" She asked, "Okay, I guess.." I said. She smiles and we stared at each other for a few minutes, she leans closer and our lips connected. I kissed back and she pulls out. She connects our lips again and pulls out to kiss my cheeks, eyes, nose, ears and neck. I giggled and I could feel her smiling while she was giving affection to me. She buries her head on my neck then goes back up to kiss me again. I sat up and wrapped my arms around her neck. She pulls out, "Y/N...", "Yes?" I asked, "Are we too young for this?" She asked, "I mean, yes...but if you want this then I do too. We might not be adults but it's our choice whether we want to date or not. We're only 14 and 15 after all so there's nothing wrong with that unless we're kids. Like actual kids. You know?" She nods and grabs my cheeks, "I love you, Y/N...", "I love you too..". We connected our lips then she rubs our noses together while our foreheads were touching. We had a makeout session and we pulled away to catch some air. "Wanna stay here tonight?" I asked her, "Wait, I'll ask my parents." I nodded and she texts her parents. "They said yes!" We both smiled and we layer down.

Are we too young for this? | A.YJ x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now