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Yujin's POV
Another Day Another new year. As I went into class and sat down on my seat, I looked at the clock. It was 9:30a.m and I got my slippers on. I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair. I went downstairs to make a sandwich for myself for breakfast and lunch. Mom and Dad aren't home most of the time so I'm used to being home alone.

<<At school>>
I was hanging out with my friends and I see a little girl sitting by herself. I felt bad for her so I went to her and tapped her shoulder. "Hey.." I said, he turned around and waved at me. "What's your name?" I asked, she didn't answer. " old are you?" I asked, but answer. "Are you okay?" I asked, she didn't answer. 'Is she ignoring me?' I thought, without a second thought I just left her there. I went back to my friends and talked about our ideal types, weird right?

<<At home>>
I went home to find my Mom and Dad making out on the couch. "Gross", I mumbled, gagging. I took my shoes off and went upstairs to do my homework. I couldn't stop thinking about the girl, why was she even ignoring me in the first place? I put my chin on my fist, trying to figure out why but I don't know the reason. 'Was I annoying?', 'Did she not like me?', 'Is she just too shy to talk to me?'. I'm the type of person who doesn't have many friends at school but something is telling me to befriend the girl. I don't know, maybe that's just a voice I heard and I should just ignore it before something bad might happen to our friendship if we become friends. But she looked really lonely and I also pity her. I'll just try to talk to her again tomorrow to see what's going on.

'Why the heck didn't I say anything? The f*ck is wrong with me? Lee Y/N, you know better than this! If someone talks to you, you answer. Why am I so stupid?' Thoughts keep running around in my mind, when I got home I plopped myself onto the bed. Thinking about what I should eat for dinner since Mom is on vacation right now and Dad's working in another country. Ahah! I know! I should make myself some honey chicken, that'll make me full, right? I got up and made chicken for myself and got some honey. Once the chicken was done frying, I covered it in honey. I also made rice for myself too. While I was waiting for the rice to cook, I did my homework and watched a little bit of TV.

~End of Chapter 1~

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