Meet the Freaks

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Hydra: snake woman; serpent.

Furia: hell hound; demon dog.

Harpy: twin of Harmonia; half woman half bird.

Harmonia: twin of Harpy; half bird half woman

Scylla: sea serpent woman; somewhat of a mermaid

Inga: prophetess; gets visions of the future.

Fallon: can talk to the dead; Siamese (joined at the hip) twin of Sari

Sari: can talk to animals; linked to animals; Siamese twin of Fallon.

Javan: "Spider-Man"; obsessed will all things spiders and can control them.

Kalkin: swordsman; is one with his sword

Barnabas: "Mr. Tall"; very tall man

Tabari: vampire; contortionist

Cerberus: werewolf

Charon: centaur

Fenrir: werewolf

Murdoch: Leader

Nolan: strongest man

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