Jiang Lian lowered his head and looked at his cool skin, which was evident from the application of a layer of medicine, and there was a flash of unknown meaning in the bottom of his eyes. He took off Ji Mianzhu's suit jacket and put on Song Yan's clothes instead. clothes.

    Guessing that it was almost time, Ji Mianzhu turned around, he looked at his watch, and said to Jiang Lian, who was neatly dressed and could not see any injuries: "The lunch break is not over yet, do you want to sleep for a while, or go back now. "

    Go back."

    Seeing Ji Mianzhu nodding, Jiang Lian said thank you again. The words are eloquent and can be heard clearly.

    Ji Mianzhu heard the words, and immediately felt that her efforts were not in vain, she couldn't help showing a happy smile, and her phoenix eyes were a little bit higher because of this action. He coughed lightly and waved his hand, pretending not to care.

    "Should be."

    Jiang Lian didn't stop this time, took a deep look at Ji Mianzhu and left.

    There were no accidents all day, and it was very calm. Ji Mianzhu also took the time to read all the remaining materials. His overall grasp of the Ji family became clearer. Some details were answered smoothly, and he couldn't tell that he was from outside. book wearer. As for Jiang Lian, he stayed quietly in the president's office and learned something. Originally, Ji Mianzhu was worried that he would be bullied again, so he found a time to sneak over to take a look, and then went back with confidence when he saw that the other party was fine.

    One of them is in the president's office and the other is in the president's office.

    Ji Mianzhu and Jiang Lian walked out of the Ji's building one after the other. There were also many young employees who were off work along the way. They all greeted him when they saw him. All of a sudden, Ji Mianzhu was full of "Goodbye President Ji" again. Like a bird, chatting non-stop, without any interests, it is completely the kind of simplicity that greets you smoothly when you see it, which is very comforting to hear.

    Ji Mianzhu's mood was also lifted, her phoenix eyes were bent, and she responded with a small smile. He is very good-looking in himself, plus the gloomy and unapproachable temperament of the original owner has faded, leaving only the noble one who came out of the big family, and a few actions are enough to please the eyes, it is very capable To arouse the goodwill of others.

    Sure enough, the young female employees around couldn't help blushing and beating.

    Jiang Lian, who was walking beside Ji Mianzhu, frowned and became more silent, his aura slightly suppressed.

    Ji Mianzhu didn't notice it, and walked over with a smile, while Jiang Lian, who was beside him, also walked over in silence. It wasn't until the two of them got into the car that Ji Mianzhu turned to Jiang Lian and asked,

    "Is your skin any better?"

    Jiang Lian's gloomy aura disappeared invisibly, and he turned to Ji Mianzhu. Eyes with concern.

    "The ointment is very useful. It's much better."

    Ji Mianzhu nodded, very pleased.

    Then he leaned back on the seat and closed his eyes.

    He didn't speak, and Jiang Lian had nothing to answer, so Jiang Lian turned into a state of silently looking at Ji Mianzhu until the car stopped in front of Ji's villa.

    Ji Mianzhu hardly closed his eyes all day, so after getting into the car, he closed his eyes a little tiredly, and almost fell asleep because of it. During this dazed process, Ji Mianzhu always felt that someone was looking at him, as if he had a pair of dark eyes in the thick fog. This feeling came and went from time to time, and it was hazy and unclear. In addition, the drowsiness invaded his brain, which made him feel like he was in a dream.

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