Chapter 8 Purple Forest

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Am finally back TvT

Before we dive in the story I would like to officially introduced to all of you my beta reader who had helped me with my story. I ought to have done this last chapter but I forgot to ask permission and completely forgot about it when I dove in Ao3 ^^;

So now, introducing to everyone! The very best partner I can ever ask- @ShoutOutFacts

I dedicate this chapter to you!! ('=>w<=')// <3

Reminder: Recommended to read in website for better experience.


Still stuck at the little room inside the trick tower due to their penalty, it seems like they would not suffer too much in living in boredom, with a twist around every corner for their entertainment.

"Can't sleep?"

Killua turns to Kurapika at the other side of the room, a tower of books by his side.

"No. I can go without sleeping for three days."

They heard a shuffling of blankets beside Killua. It was Freyja sitting up, her hands pulling the blanket close to her shoulder, "Then, do you want to hear a bedtime story?"

"A bedtime story? I'm not a kid." He scoffed. He's already 14. A teenager.

"Don't be such a baby, bedtime story is for everyone. Look, even Kurapika reads his own bed time story." Killua turned his eyes to the said male who simply chuckled at hearing the girl's words. Loads of books piled beside him.

"But if you don't want to hear it, I can always tell it to Gon." She turned towards the green bean laying by her other side, "What do you think, Gon?"

Instantly, the sleeping boy opened his eyes, quickly sitting up, "Really? I want to hear it!"

"I thought you were sleeping?" The silvernette threw a pillow to the green headed boy who caught it. And soon, a pillow fight broke out.

Their loud laughter annoyed Leorio, who was sleeping with Tonpa's sock in his nose, and the latter sniffling at Leorio's socks too.

Not only did Gon and Killua laugh at this, but they were also joined by Kurapika.

"So? Do you still want to hear that bedtime story?" Quickly as said, Gon sat up and faced Freyja, Killua doing the same.

Kurapika at the other side had also sat up, fully awake, and went closer to the group of younger teens to hear the story.

Freyja herself sat properly, "Back at the village where I was raised, the elders in the village would round up the children to tell them many stories in a bonfire and would sing an ancient song about the story they would tell."

"One of the very first stories I had heard was about the Purple Forest." Freyja closed her eyes, remembering the very same day she first listened to the story.

The burning woods, where the fire danced, illuminated the picture of that day.




"There was a deep, deep forest

"A forest that was always shrouded in a purple mist

"An inhospitable place

"Yet for some reason, you can hear a little girl singing

"Lured in by that voice, many wandered in,

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