Sapnap pushed past Dream again, solely because Dream was still slightly frozen in place. Everything was processing in his brain a little slower than usual, simply because he was way too overwhelmed by everything that was happening.

Sapnap headed for the kitchen, while George still stood in the doorway, eyes now focusing back on Dream. George's grin was way too cocky to be thinking about anything else but Dream.

"Come on Dreamy, keep in your pants, babe." He taunted with a grin, eyes not-so-subtly flicking down to the tent in Dream's pants. Dream's mouth went slack, how did he know? George snorted, "Close your mouth, are you trying to catch flies?"

George finally pushed past him into the house with a smug smirk, rolling his suitcase past the stunned figure in the doorway.

Dream never knew that George could ever be this cocky. It was indescribably hot, and being able to hear this in person was overbearing. But the reminder of No Nut November brought Dream back down to earth. He couldn't let George get to him, as hard as George made it, (or got him), he would not cave.

Dream finally managed to shut his mouth, begging his cheeks to return to their normal color, he closed the door and headed towards the kitchen, where the two others were already there. Sapnap had returned to his cooking on the kitchen stove, finally tending to his ramen that was definitely overcooked, while George stood around and the pair caught up.

Although Dream was still unsettled with George being in Florida, seeing him here swelled his heart. They had been talking about the Dream Team meet up for ages, and him being here finally made those wishes come through. He just couldn't think past the sexual build-up he had been experiencing lately to notice it in the moment.

Dream nervously settled into the chair at the kitchen counter, sitting a little further to the opposite side of George. He knew he wouldn't do anything with Sapnap around, but he wouldn't take any chances.

Sapnap caught George up on a few things he must've missed on the flight over, and after that conversation died down, Dream finally found his voice and was able to ask what he wanted to. "H-how did you get a visa?" Voice still shaky from his nerves.

George shrugged, "Well I got a visa like a month ago-"

"A month ago?" Dream shrieked, widening his eyes in shock. Why had he waited so long to come then?

George chuckled, "Yeah, but I wanted to come surprise you guys, so I didn't tell you." He continued to explain, "But then something happened in November, and I thought that it was a good time to come visit."

Dreams' eyes grew wider, he knew exactly what George was talking about, and he begged that Sapnap wouldn't question it. Please don't ask, please don't ask, please don't ask.

"What happened in November?" Sapnap asked, a little confused. Fuck. He turned to face the two, confusion flashing across his features.

"Nothing." Dream answered, way too quickly. Sapnap looked at him incredulously, as he absentmindedly turned off the stove.

"Oh-kay.." Sapnap said, "Uhm, anyways, I'll take you up to your room if you want."

George nodded quickly, grabbing ahold of his suitcase that sat next to him as Sapnap disappeared further into the house. But before he could follow after him, George turned to Dream with a daunting little smirk.

"You can open that snap now." He told him flirtatiously, sending him a wink before sauntering off to find Sapnap, his hips swaying alluringly with each step.

Dream's brows raised, he had completely forgotten about that snap. What, with everything going on with George showing up on his front doorstep, that wasn't his top priority. But it was now.

A Week In November // dreamnotfoundDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora