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A/N: Mentions of sex in this chapter, and also indicates it. But it never goes into detail. You are warned. If you don't like to read about people kissing, and/or get uncomfortable with the idea/mention of sex, skip the last like three-four paragraphs. Please, no comments about saying how you were "robbed." I do not write that content. Look somewhere else if you are searching for it.


"So," Tony says, sighing and looking at the two of us when we get inside again. "While you two were out there being little honey buns to each other," I laugh at his comment, and he pauses until I stop. "The rest of us here at the base began to talk. We decided that the sooner you get back to Paris the better. And the people coming with, if we can get them to sign off on it, is Steve, Bucky, Bruce, Nat, and maybe Vision and Wanda. I will obviously be going, and I'm sure Peter will come too. I have a house there, we are all going to stay there, and Pepper and Morgan will also be coming. Sound good?"

I think over the plan in my head, and say, "Give me a sec," I open up my burrow, and jump in, looking at the future. I see us all moving into the house, me socializing with Adrien, my parents, and other people from my past. But then a sudden image surprises me, and I cringe away from it, gasping in shock.

Adrien and I are kissing, both seeming happy.

Yet in the back ground everyone that was going to come is lying there; dead. Even my amazing, adorable, innocent baby sister, lying in her mother's arms, her head facing the wrong way.

I begin to tremble, and scream as loud as I can. No  one can here me in here, so there is no point in trying to be quiet. I let my disguise fall, and my wings are rigid behind me, frozen from the sheer pain and fear that image provokes inside of me.

I come to my senses, and shake, opening my burrow again and hopping out, into the same time line. "You're finally back." Peter says, coming up to me and grabbing my hand. "W-we can't... I have to go by myself."

Everyone in the room begins to protest this, but I silence them all by just saying quiet. "I saw it. If you all came. You were all dead, and Adrien and I were happy about it. Kissing in front of all of you dead bodies. I won't allow that. None of you can come with me. No one." 

The room stays silent for a minute, but eventually they all agree. "Fine." Tony says, looking at me with deep concern. "But you have to teleport back here every night, or at least call, and update us. We will come if there is an emergency, or if you want us to. Peter, even you can't go. Go now, Marinette, and see the future." 

I nod, and jump back into my burrow. I walk over to the correct panel, and take in a deep breath before watching it. 

I am sad, miserable, and surrounded by dust and ash. I am in my true form, and I am sitting in the middle of all of the destruction. There are people, from Paris it looks like, who are surrounding the circle of destruction, which is about 7 yards on every side, looking like they want to help, but are horrified. 

I whisper, as tears roll down my cheek, "I'm sorry." And I just sit there, crying, as the people watch. What the heck happened? How did it happen? I try to rewind the image to before that, but it just stops at the beginning  of what I just watched.

I re-watch it over and over again, trying to figure out why I am so sad. What happened? How did it get to this? Do I recognize any of the people? As I look at the surrounding crowd, I realize that I do know all of the people surrounding that version of me. They were random people I saw every day, whether it was from passing them on the street every day, or making a delivery to them, or even going to school with them. 

What happened?

After watching it for the 300th time, I decide that it doesn't matter. This is better than almost my entire family - the people I love and care for more than anything else in this entire world, even though I'm not related to them - being dead.

Anything is better than that. 

I leave my burrow, and everyone stares at me. "The image is gone. Everything is okay now. As long as none of you come, everything will be okay." They all sigh, but Peter asks, "Why did it take you 2 hours though?" I am shocked by hearing how long I was in there, and just say, "Because I got lost looking into the future. It is amazing. Interesting. I want to understand it. Analyze it, and know it even better. Besides, I also needed some time to think."

He just narrows his eyes, but accepts my answer, which is the honest truth. "Do you want to head home?" I ask, looking at my father. "I want to see my sister, and have dinner. And can Peter join us? Along with Mae?" Tony just sighs, but nods. I change back into my disguise, and I say my goodbye's to everyone else at the base, which is just Bucky, Steven, Steve, and Sam, and head out with Peter and Tony.

Soon enough, we are pulling into our garage, which goes underneath the house and into Tony's work shop, and I can tell that Mae and Peter are ogling at it from the back seat. Even though Peter has been down here before, he can't help himself but to ogle at how advanced and high tech it is, along with the fact that he could do anything his heart desires down here.

Mae has never been down here, and she has barely even been at our house, only a few times. Pepper is standing in the doorway to upstairs, holding the perfect little angel that Morgan is. Tony quickly parks the car in its spot, and I am out the door in a second, running extremely fast towards my little sister.

I greet Pepper too, giving her a hug, and take Morgan from her. This sweet, perfect child. I have always wanted a child of my own, but it's too early right now, and I'm not even sure if I could. Besides, I wouldn't want to be immortal, and watch as my own child grows old, and dies before I even age a day.

There always is, however, the possibility of not being joined with the miraculous, but that would mean that I am still the guardian, along with the possibility that I would just have to pick up and leave, not leaving a trace of me behind and also leaving my child. I would never abandon my own.

Not on my own accord.

We just order some Chinese food, and it gets here rather quickly. We all eat, having a good time, and eventually Mae and Peter decide to go home, so I open up a portal for them, right inside of their house. Mae knows. I told her shortly after I got out of the hospital, and she accepted it. Said that it was only fitting for her Spider-Boy (even though he is most definitely a man now) to date someone so wonderful as I am.

That made me smile.

But before Peter goes, I whisper in his ear, "Go to bed almost immediately after you get back. I want to spend the night with you." He nods, and smiles at me, giving me a light peck goodnight.

As they step into their house, I look at the time and realize that it is already 10:30. Pepper just barely coming down the hall from putting Morgan to bed, her being in her pj's and looking at Tony as he looks at her.

I catch their mood in the air, and I cringe, making my way towards the stairs and saying goodnight. I hear them call back their goodnights, and I am extremely thankful that our bedrooms are on opposite sides of the the house, and far, far away from each other.

Besides, I wouldn't be able to sneak Peter in either if they were close by.

I quickly change into an old t-shirt and sweats, and opening up a portal to Peter's room. He looks embarrassed as he turns around, seeing me, and him only wearing a pair of pajama pants. I smile at him, motioning him into the room, and he does, grabbing his shirt quickly and putting it on.

"Hi," he whispers, stepping into my room. "Hi," I respond, looking at him. I step closer, and so does he, gently brushing his lips against mine. I smile at him teasing me, and begin to kiss him harder. "Do you want to take this to the bed?" He asks, kissing me in between each word. "Mm-hm," I respond, slightly nodding my head.

I jump up, wrapping my legs around his torso, and he carries me over to the bed. 

It's not like Peter and I haven't had sex before, because we have. It has always been amazing, and I am so glad that I found the most perfect guy to be my first time, along with being the only person I ever want to do it with.

He straddles my waist, and I sigh, him sucking on the sweet spot on my neck. He slowly removes his clothes, then mine.

And I am put into my blissful, easy state of mind.

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