: Part One: Chapter Nine

Start from the beginning

"Can you believe Chrystal has a crush, dad?" he suddenly said. I stopped glaring as dad stopped at a red light. He glanced my way with astonishment.

It was annoying, to say the least. "Is my being attracted to the opposite sex that interesting?" I said crossly, reaching into my bag for my cell phone.

Jonny whooped behind us. Dad glanced to him in astonishment and then to me still wearing that expression. "What?" I asked Jonny.

He grinned cheekily, adjusting his glasses. "I've spent more time trying to get you to admit that fact and finally..." he trailed off.

My cheeks flamed bright red, and dad laughed as he turned back to check if the line was moving. It wasn't. It had stopped. He reached for the GPS system to figure out why it had.

"I said 'attracted to the opposite sex' which doesn't necessarily imply I'm attracted to Elliot," my cheeks darkened, and both dad and Jonny shared a knowing glance. I huffed. "Do you guys even know how annoying he is?"

Dad glanced back to Jonny, who was happy to chip in. "She found her match," he said simply. I groaned. "School's been buzzing with how these two will take down the school with them."

I rolled my eyes, and just to rile him up, I moved to the dial. And suddenly Slipknot was blasting through the stereo. "No!" Jonny immediately went for his ears. "Dad, turn it off. The person who screams that stuff needs some psychiatric help."

I rolled my eyes. Being a rock fanatic, hard rock didn't bother me much. Scream-o definitely bothered Jonny, especially when it had no meaning.

Dad gave me a knowing look, and we both agreed to ignore Jonny's unrepeatable words as he thrashed and screamed for mercy. Dad suddenly pointed to my side of the car. Curiously, I glanced out.

Ever danced with the devil on a pale moonlight? You're glad you don't have to. Elliot was right across from us, and suddenly, I was blushing as I gulped down air. What was wrong with me?

He was with Chris, and behind them, I was surprised to notice, was Mongo, languidly spread on the back seats. All three boys were laughing to something, Elliot being at the driver's seat. They hadn't noticed us, it seems.

"What are they doing with him?" Jonny asked the same question I was asking. Suddenly, the music changed to something louder, something even I was astounded to be listening to. It made the three guys turn to look at us.

Chris laughed as he waved cheerfully. Mongo, the idiot, did a mock salute with a cheeky grin. I was hit with Déjà Vu as I watched him watch me. But it was probably from back at Macy's. Elliot, on the other hand, wasn't smiling that much.

He'd noticed the familiar salute, as if I knew, and blue shards of glass were aimed at me. I suddenly felt like I'd betrayed him, like I'd done something wrong. Of course, I hadn't run away.

With a tilt of my chin, I dismissed the look. I can take care of myself and my brother.

"Dad," Jonny said, "The blonde's Elliot, the one Chrystal's refusing to admit she likes."

I rolled my eyes, returning to the conversation in the car. Dad waved out at them, and they waved back. "He seems to be the type to touch and go," dad remarked. I sighed in relief.

"Good, because for a second there I thought-"

"I like him," dad suddenly remarked. I was left astounded as a big grin split his lips to show remarkable teeth. "He's bad ass, good enough to pull you out of your shell."

I sighed, rubbing a knot on my brows. "For the umpteenth time," I said, to which Jonny leaned back in his seat.

"Yes, yes," he said. "You don't like him. You sure are a contradiction, sis."

I rolled my eyes. "The other one is Christopher, who's responsible for Jonny dressing like an Eskimo," I said, pointing to the one on the very opposite side.

Dad did another unfamiliar thing. He rolled down all the windows, and suddenly we were blasted with cold air from outside. He was an odd father. Most would speak against rolling down windows in a highway.

"Chris, right?" he said. To which Chris nodded, nearly covered by Elliot. "Yeah, thanks for showing Jonny around. He doesn't get out much."

If he only knew why Jonny was showed around. I glanced back at Jonny, whose cheeks were crimson. I put up as the cold getting to him. I pulled up dad's scarf from the glove compartment and handed it to him.

Wide eyed, Jonny took it a little numbly. What was up with him?

"No problem, Mr. Jenkins," he said. "I was just welcoming him." I quirked a brow, and if dad saw Chris' smile turn frightful, he didn't show.

"Traffic's clearing out," Elliot pointed out. Dad glanced forward, and we noticed the cars starting to move a long line away.

He nodded. "And you must be Elliot," dad said, to which Elliot nodded. Dad glanced at me, and I pleaded with him. What was he going to do? Oh no, he was going to embarrass me. "My daughter's partner?"

But his side of the traffic filled out faster and Elliot put the car on drive. I knew exactly why, too. He didn't want me and Mongo to get any more acquainted. Said Mongo waved back cheekily as he and his peeps drove off.

"He gives me some odd vibes," Jonny whispered from behind us. I glanced to him to find he'd discarded the scarves, both of them. I frowned. "I'm warm enough."

I nodded. Dad was watching us again, his brows frowning as he glanced form one person to the other. "Are you certain you don't know the other blonde?" he asked, a wobbly smile pressing at his lips.

I quirked a brow. I nodded, remembering exactly what could have happened to Jonny because of that guy. "I do," I said, to which dad's smile straightened, "the next time we meet I'll be sure to bash his head in."

Jonny snickered and I smiled. Dad shook his head, putting the car in gear as hestarted driving again. "Just think back, Chrystal. Think back to the first time you ever met a boy you liked."

Brows furrowed, I watched him drive, trying to figure out his coded meaning. Either way, I decided to ignore it. I didn't know Mongo, and I would make certain he didn't know us.

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