There Will be Blood

Start from the beginning

All Might doesn't waste any time and smashes down the door, splinters of it flying everywhere. Not what I would've done, but there's no time to think about that.

As soon as the debris starts to clear, each hero has spotted their target. Suddenly, the room fills with a sour smell, one that is starting to choke the life out of everyone inside.

"Mustard, you idiot! That smell is going to take forever to get out of the upholstery!" Shigaraki screams. "Kurogiri, Gate!"

I hear a hushed, "Sorry," from Mustard and Kurogiri's Warpgate swallows us all. 

Suddenly, everyone is outside. 

Everyone we thought would be here, is here. However, in addition to them, All for One has made an appearance.

Well, shit.

All Might, the big dumbass he is, charges right at All for One, plan be damned. All for One catches the punch and a monumental gale of wind hurtles around us. The heroes and villains disperse, finding new locations to fight, out of the way of their respective leaders. 

I see the heroes around me shoot off in different locations, but my eyes are locked on Shigaraki. He makes a break for the nearby forest. I'll be damned if I let him get that far. I dig my toes into the ground with every step, propelling myself after him. Almost there! I'm so close I can just-


Present Mic lets out the loudest yell I have ever heard. More wind rushes around me than All Might's punch!

My feet leave the ground with the sudden force from behind me. With this push, I latch onto Shigaraki's shirt, and we tumble into a heap of limbs and hands, lots of hands. 

I quickly scramble away from his reach so he can't disintegrate me. I've had an idea of how to defeat him for a long time. Now I finally have the chance to try it out!

We stand, facing each other.

"What are you going to do, hero?" Shigaraki sneers.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Shiggy? I AM NOT A HERO!" 

I grit my teeth. No one will let me be a hero after what I do today.

"Oh, right. You're a vigilante. How noble of you. Not getting paid for all your hard work. Although, you are just a kid. Isn't that right, Midoriya?" Shigaraki smiles, the corners only just visible behind the hand on his face. 

"Ya know that hands are the dirtiest part of the body, right? Who knows how many nasty diseases you've contracted with those dirty-ass hands covering you all the time!"

"Always the smart-ass. You know your life could have been so much easier if you worked for me!"

"There's no way in hell I would work for you! You've killed so many innocent people! So many kids! How could I ever work for someone like that!?"

"Ugh, you're still mad about the kids!? You got in my way! It was payback! Now we're even!"

"Even!? You're crazy! And you're going to pay for taking their lives!"

I am fed up with his words. He wants to get in my head. I won't let him. I'm going to kill him. He's not going to hurt anyone else!

There will be blood.

Midnight's POV

This little boy thinks he can outgas me? Well, we'll see about that!

I close the distance between me and Mustard. His quirk lets him emit a sleep-inducing gas not quite as powerful as mine. But he is not immune to his quirk like I am. Due to my near immunity to toxic gases, I should be able to close the distance between us easily. However, the kid possesses a handgun.

Vigilante, Not Villain (Undergoing editing-- Don't worry about it)Where stories live. Discover now