Going An Extra Milo

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(Warning: Out Of Order Episodes)

A Bus Stop

(Scene opens up on Milo walking to the bus stop, where Zack, Bradley, Chad and Logan stand. As Milo walks in, Bradley and the two students stay away from him, much to Ben's confusion, mostly because Zack and him had done a project together once. Eh, Ben was mostly known for being the sports kid back then.)

Ben: Yeesh, what's that all about?

Milo: Oh, you're new here. I've got a bit of reputation.

(Ben shows surprise, and then smiles jokingly.)

Ben: So what are you, some tough guy?

Milo: Oh, I don't think anyone ever called me "tough". I'm Milo.

Ben: (Shakes Milo's hand) I'm Ben. Ben Tennyson.
(A dramatic sound plays.)

Chad: No, Ben! No, no, no, no, no...

(Ignoring their warnings, Ben continues talking with Milo.)

Ben: So what's this reputation?

Milo: Well, people have used the "J-word" but you know what they say, "Sticks and stones can damage your vital organs so always wear body armor." (Knocks on his chest, which emits a wood-like noise. Hearing this, Ben shows slighy concern.)

(Melissa and Zack come in.)

Melissa: Hi, Milo.

Milo: Hi, Melissa.

Zack: Hi, Melissa.

Melissa: Hey, Zack.

(Melissa looks around herself to see if there is anything dangerous.)

Melissa: I'm just gonna stand back here. (Takes a big step back from Milo, Zack following.)

Milo: Good call!

(Scene zooms out with everyone staying away from Milo except Ben)

Melissa: So Milo, how was your weekend?

Milo: Eventful!

Melissa: Yeah, I bet.

Milo: I got another new scar, wanna see?

Melissa: Sure!

Milo: Ok.

(Milo takes a picture of his scar on his phone, and sends it to Melissa.)

Melissa: Oh, cool! That's a good one.

Milo: I know, right?

(Ben is not worried.)

Ben: Ok, dude. What's going on here?

Milo: What do you mean?

Ben: I mean, what the heck is the j-word?

Milo: (Quietly tells Ben) Well, I don't like to say it out loud...

(A sound can be heard and a bungee suddenly falls out from somewhere)

Zack: (Picks it up) Don't you see those things at construction sites? (Milo puts on a helmet) Hey, where did you get the...

Zack: Not again...

(A concrete drainage pipe coming after them. both of them run with Ben screaming. Bradley, Melissa, Zack and the two students in the bus stop are left.)

Bradley: I bet my pudding pack we don't see them again today.

Melissa: I'll take that action.

Bradley: Really?

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