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She walked deeper into the woods. Her clothing was tattered and her long black matted hair covered her face. She was afraid, no not afraid, she was terrified. All she could do is tremble and whisper, "They're taking me away" over and over. She was now running further and further as if someone was running after her. Voices filled her head as she ran she was now screaming for them to stop and go away. She put her hands on her head covering her ears. She fell to her knees refusing to get up. The world was spinning around her faster around her. She smiled widely. She was slowly loosing all control. The Voices were taking over. She took a sharp rock-like object and began stabbing at her left leg. She was amused with the blood that was now squirting from the deep cut. Flesh was showing she grinned ear to ear with satisfactory. She began to stab the other leg. She screamed stabbing it harder. Her blood was all over her cotton dress it looked as though she had been bathing in the blood. Her hands were covered in it as well. She got up tossing the rock down the hill. She had to come back to reality. She slowly began to walk on further into the woods. It was around 8 o'clock pm the sky was darkening. The peculiar girl came to a stop at a small creek that was alive and flowing with chilled water. She carefully washed up her legs and stripped off her dress leaving her undergarments on, they had no blood on them as far as she could see. She pushed the dress into the stream. She began to head back up through the woods.She reached her house around 9 pm. She crept through the window of her bedroom not making a sound leaving what happened in the woods to stay in the woods.

The girl's name was Corrine. She is 11 years of age. She has many disorders, no one is quite sure why she is so strange. She often complains to her mother about seeing and hearing things. Generally a ringing noise.  The sight of the girl is wicked. She has dark black hair that reaches her waist, she has porclin white skin she is very small and sickly looking. She is always wearing a white dress, she refuses to put on other clothes. She doesn't attend school. She isn't involved in any sort of public activity. Corrine is scared of everyone. She always feels unsafe and paranoid. Her mother and father do not know what to do with her. The child is utterly mad. No one knows of the girl. Her parents have no documentation of her birth. She is a secret. The mother and father are disgusted of her.

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