As he crossed the street a police car slid in front of him and he jerked back, frightened and ready to bolt. Was his stalking finally noticed? Oh god, he was going to be arrested, he was going to be hauled off to jail and have god knew what done to him in there. He squeaked as the tinted window rolled down, feet tensed to flee...when a familiar face popped out, raisined and wrinkled. "Hey, Bum, that you?! Get outta town, what are you doing around here in the big city? Finally decided to start living the fancy life, eh?" Officer Park grinned.

Bum relaxed a bit. It was just Officer Park, his uncle's old police partner. He had known the family for years, when Bum was a kid even. Bum gave a shy shake of his head and giggled nervously, not used to being around someone so jovial towards him. "U-um, no, just exploring the city until work...nothing much."

"Work!" The officer laughed in delight. "Glad to hear you got a job so soon Bum! See, I knew you had it in ya. All it takes is a little confidence!" Bum nodded quietly. He didn't think bringing up the fact that his job was recently given and that he'd been living off his uncle's retirement money for the past year would make a good impression. He had practically been forced to get one despite his fear. It was that or homelessness.

"Yes…" he nodded.

"C'mon Bum, don't be a stranger. C'mere let me get a look at ya!" The officer smiled, practically sitting on his seatmate's lap as he bent low to catch a glimpse of Yoon Bum's face. Bum angled his face away. Just in case. "Aw, what? Two years in the military and you still look like a baby!" He chuckled. "Ah, the power of skincare I guess. Back in my day, they didn't have that. I swear that's why I'm so wrinkly now. I can't compete with the good looks of you younglings anymore. Ah, youth." He sighed wistfully.

"Officer Park, you are sitting on me." A deep voice spoke up in clear discomfort. "Get off."

"Whoops, sorry 'bout that Seungbae!" The portly officer grinned, patting the officer's thigh which the other brushed off himself. "Oh, by the way Seungbae, this here's Yoon Bum. I watched all the kids on his street grow up, including him. Though he's the only one who hasn't changed much. Yoon Bum, Seungbae."

Yoon Bum took a quick glance at the partner police officer and gave him a twitchy smile. He was very handsome. Tan skin, shortly cropped hair under a black cap, dressed sharply in a uniform that paired with sleek stylish glasses. He gave off a very cool aura that intimidated Bum greatly. Officer Seungbae gave him a non committal grunt.

"U-uh um, I'll be seeing you then, officers. I need to get home now. Goodbye." Yoon Bum piped up, bowing.

"Oh yeah, right, sorry kid! Didn't mean to hold ya. Anytime you've got free time come and see me sometime. I know that your uncle's passing was hard on you. Was for me too. So if you ever need someone to talk to…"

Bum nodded politely. "I wouldn't want to trouble you. But thank you for the offer…" he smiled nervously. Just hearing any word of his uncle made his stomach twist in knots. He gripped his baggy pants between thin knuckles with one hand trying to stop the anxious trembling in them. He hoped they hadn't noticed. He glanced down to check to meet Seungbae's intense eyes. He swallowed thickly, mouth dry.

"Right. See ya!"

Bum watched the car speed off, eating a red light. A car honked their horn in alarm. Bum felt his heart thumping in his chest. Officer Seungbae scared him. Those eyes. It's like...he knew what he was thinking. He followed the car with his eyes until he couldn't see it anymore, then immediately dashed towards the train station.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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