the test

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it was a sunny day as the school of friendship with creatures from different parts of equestria  come to learn about friendship and there was a big test happening in the classroom of the princess of friendship twilight sparkle. while there was amount of students in the classroom there was one of them missing who is a young female orange dragon named smolder who was running late again. twilight: huh looks like smolder is late again and on the day she has to do a big test all about friendship. spike: yeah I think you need to speak with her after class about it. before she could say a word smolder arrived to the classroom. twilight: smolder your late. Again. smolder: sorry miss sparkle I'm trying to make it on time. twilight: that's alright just sit over there and spike will hand you your book. smolder flew over to her seat and sat on it before spike came and gave smolder her book then flying back next to twilight. spike: so what are you gonna do with her. twilight: oh just something I plan on doing for sometime and what it is is a secret but don't worry I wont have the fun without you. spike: oh well that should be exciting. twilight nodded before looking at her students as they did their work. after the students had done the test twilight levitated them and marked them then the bell rung telling the students its break time they walked out before twilight shouted out to smolder. twilight: hey smolder mind if you could speak with me in my office for a moment? smolder turned back in confusion before she relised what it is all about. twilight then lead smolder to her office and sat down on her chair. twilight: so smolder how come your turning up late lately? smolder: huh its nothing except that I keep over sleeping mostly because I sometimes cant sleep. twilight: oh why is that any nightmares? smolder: no its because other dragons tend to snore loud even close to where I am. twilight: oh that must be difficult. smolder: yeah and I cant do anything about it unfortunately. twilight: yeah ya know this reminds me when spike would snore louder sometimes. smolder: hmhmhm guess most dragons tend to have loud snores. twilight: it seems like it. smolder: so am I free to go? twilight: you can go but before you go I have a special test planned and I want you to be the first to do it. smolder: really what kind of test is it? twilight: why don't we find out. twilight then made smolder follow her to a book case and pulling a book out which revealed a secret area in the school then twilight and smolder went down while smolder looked around in confusion as she went down. after they make it down to the secret basement twilight walked to a metal door before stopping infront of it. twilight: so you ready for this test? smolder: um yes. twilight then pushed the door open and revealed a large empty room that layed a metallic armchair with footrests. smolder: uh what's with the armchair? twilight: the chair is part of your test smolder and like I said your the first to take it. smolder: cool so what do I do? twilight: why don't you take a seat and find out. smolder then flew over and took a seat and put her arms on the  armrests and her legs on the rests. twilight then pressed a button that made straps come on her arms and ankles strapping her in place. smolder: huh hey what are you doing? twilight: relax this is part of the test. twilight then pressed a different button and two claw hands came and to smolders feet. smolder: um twilight you wouldn't do what I'm thinking your gonna do... right? twilight didn't listen and pressed a button that made the clawed hands start tickling her feet. smolder: hahahahahahaha ohohohohoho nohohoho. twilight just smiled as she watched along with spike who was also watching. smolder: hahahahahahahaha stohohohohohohop plehehehehehease. twilight: sorry smolder but this is your test for being late. smolder: hahahahahahaha ihihihihihim sohohohohohrry hahahahahah. twilight: nope apologizing wont do this time. smolder: hahahahahahahaha ihihihihihihit tichchchchckles. twilight let this continue for five minutes before pressing the same button to stop the hands tickling and go back into the chair. twilight: you ok smolder? smolder: huh yeah so is the test over? twilight: nope there's still more of this you need to go thru. smolder: what no please i had enough honest!. twilight didn't listen as she pressed another button that made two pipes with feather dusters on them appear and start dusting all over her feet. smolder: hahahahahahahahahaha nohohohohoho stohohohohohohop. twilight: hmhmhm dusty dusty. smolder: hahahahahahahah dohohohohohont. twilight: I can tease you all I want besides its not like your going anywhere right. twilight then pressed the button to make the pipes place the dusters on her soles before making them spin at speed. smolder: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA THAHAHAHAHTS WOHOHOHOHORST!. twilight: aw is the dragon ticklish. smolder blushed as she continue laughing from the dusters tickling her feet. spike: hehe doesn't smolder look cute being tickled there. twilight: you know I think she actually does. smolder: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA DOHOHOHOHOHOHO NOHOHOHOHOHOT!. twilight: hmm maybe these will change your answer? twilight pressed the button to make the dusters go away before pressing a different button to make a series of electric toothbrushes come and go between her toes making smolder burst of louder laughter. smolder: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHT THAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAT STOHOHOHOHOHHOHOHOHOHOP!. spike: huh looks like its to much for the young dragon to handle. smolder could only laugh and struggle as she continued to be tickled by the electric toothbrushes. twilight: you know i hate to say this but I'm starting to enjoy watching this. smolder: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA STOHOHOHOHOHOHOHP THIHIHIHIHIHIS PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!. twilight rolled her eyes with a smile as she pressed the button to make the electric toothbrushes stop and go back into the chair. smolder panted as the tickling stopped again. smolder: h how long are you gonna keep me here? twilight: not very long in fact I got more tool for those feet of yours. smolder: I'm sorry for being late honest I didn't mean to be late this many times. twilight: oh don't worry I know but I have to do this. twilight then pulled a lever a bit to make some flooring open and a pink fluffy roller brush rose up and the flooring closed up and seeing it made smolders heart pound at a fast rate. smolder: no please not that don't do this to me. as she begged twilight and spike was heading out the door which made smolder panic more. smolder: no don't leave me like this. twilight ignored her and uses her magic to pull the lever all the way down and the roller brush began spinning at speed as it went closer to smolders feet. twilight: i,ll be back here how long five minutes have fun. twilight said as she closed the door and smolder try's calling her back before looking at the roller brush getting closer to her feet. the roller brush made contact with her feet and begins violently brushing her soles at rapid speed making smolder burst out of loud laughter. smolder: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH HEHEHEHEHEHELP IHIHIHIHIHIHIT TICHCHCHCHCHCKLES!. smolder could only laugh and struggle as the roller brush was tickling her and she soon was starting to cry of laughter as she shook her head wildly. smolder: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!. after sometime twilight opened the door to see smolder still being tickled and twilight then used her magic to pull the lever up to make the roller brush stop spinning and go back into the flooring. twilight then walked over and put her front hoof on smolder shoulder. twilight: hey you alright there? smolder: huh huh huh yes thanks for stopping. twilight: your welcome I should probably let you out now. twilight went to the control room and pressed the button to make the straps open so smolder could get out. twilight: you ok to stand smolder? smolder: yeah im ok thanks for asking. twilight: you can go back up stairs now. smolder nodded before flying out leaving twilight on her smiling about what happened today and thinking about other creatures that could be put on the chair.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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