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No matter how many times Beomgyu had sworn himself against going to another party, he found himself yet again being convinced by Yeonjun and the others to attend Wooyoung's annual Christmas Eve party bash. Though this party setting would be more intimate, since many of the students were either traveling or with their families, Yeonjun had told them all about Wooyoung's Christmas Eve parties before and how they got even crazier than his summer parties. In a way, Beomgyu wasn't as down about going to a party this time. He wasn't going to drink much, especially not after the last time where he puked on Taehyun. Also, he just wanted to enjoy himself before he had to sit with his whole entire family for dinner tomorrow night in celebration of Christmas.

As the five of them rode in Yeonjun's car on their way to the party, Beomgyu felt Taehyun's hand brushing against his thigh. He smiled some, glancing over at him. Taehyun's dark eyes focused on him, unblinking. A small smile formed on his lips and he intertwined his fingers with Beomgyu's.

Huening Kai sat on the other side of him, singing loudly yet in a pitch perfect tone. Beomgyu was so used to it by now that it didn't bother him that Huening Kai tended to sing directly into his ear without realizing it. It was a cute habit that he had.

In the front seat, Soobin was singing softly and Yeonjun was drumming his fingers on the steering wheel while driving at a quick pace. Beomgyu didn't know what Yeonjun loved more, dancing or going to parties. He was always so in his element, so confident in either of those activities. Beomgyu knew that Yeonjun wanted to go to as many parties as possible before he graduated. One of Yeonjun's biggest flaws was getting FOMO easily. Beomgyu had been a witness to that so many times.

After ten more minutes of smooth driving, the guys finally arrived at Wooyoung's mansion of a house. It wasn't as packed as the last party that they went to here, but that was expected. Already, his classmates were littered amongst the front yard and around the back with cups in their hands, despite how cold it was outside.

"No way, I thought we got here early!" Yeonjun exclaimed with a yelp, unbuckling his seatbelt quickly and practically jumping out of his car.

"Someone's excited," Soobin said with a chuckle as the four of them followed him out of the car.

The guys followed Yeonjun into the house, making a pit stop at the cooler before heading to their usual spot near the back. They didn't plan on going outside, mainly because Huening Kai had conveniently forgotten his coat. Besides that, Beomgyu really didn't want to freeze his ass off outside anyways, though he was sure that some alcohol could warm him up.

"Fuck, how can they stand out there?" Yeonjun asked, glancing outside of the sliding door to where some of their classmates were standing.

"I have no clue," Beomgyu murmured, "It's freezing outside."

Without saying a word, Taehyun wrapped a strong arm around Beomgyu's waist. Beomgyu leaned against his side, basking in his embrace. Beomgyu had noticed Yeonjun's eyes flicker to Taehyun's arm around him with a blank expression on his face. Was he jealous? Surely not, there was nothing for him to be jealous of. He had Soobin and they weren't shy about their affection anymore. Soobin, on the other hand, smiled slightly after seeing Taehyun's display of affection. Next to Taehyun, Huening Kai was mindlessly holding his unopened beer near his lips and gazing around.

"Let's toast," Yeonjun announced suddenly, opening his beer and holding it up, "Here's to memories and other bullshit."

"Long live chaotic wonderland," Soobin said with a chuckle as the five of them clinked their beers together.

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