Chapter two

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All I can feel is the cold, damp, basement floor underneath me. My arms are tied above me. I'm sweating but I'm freezing. I can feel the stinging on my back, and my neck.  I smell the metallic scent that I'm far too familiar with.

"Go ahead and cry, I love it when you do. It reminds me how much of a little bitch you are." She snarls.

"Oh Look at me, I'm Ms. Perfect Rayniegh, daddy's little princess, I can never do any wrong. Blah blah blah." She laughs in my face.

"THIS ISN'T REAL, YOU AREN'T HERE" I scream at her.

That earns me a sharp smack to my face, drawing blood from my nose. I can feel the warm liquid dripping down my chin onto the concrete floor.

"Shut the fuck up, you stupid, ungrateful little bitch. I'm as real as it gets." She spits through her teeth.

She leaves the room, and I keep hearing this buzzing sound coming from somewhere in the room. But I can't see anything at all. It gets louder and louder. MY ALARM!

  I jolt awake. I checked myself over, it was just a dream. I'm drenched in sweat, I get up from bed and head to the shower, and wash away last night's dream. It wasn't actually as bad as the normal ones I have because when I start screaming in my sleep I wake up and she's there laughing at me.

It's a quick shower but it does the job. I brush my teeth and blow dry my hair, I can smell the bacon from downstairs as I open the bathroom door.

I get dressed in the outfit I chose last night and brush through my hair and apply a little of the CHI oil that my grandmother got me. My hair is very very long. It reaches just below my hip bones and it's very wavy, almost curly. If I'd straighten my hair it would probably be longer than how it looks. I put on a little mascara, and fix up my eyebrows.

  I grab my bag and head downstairs. As soon as I reach the kitchen I'm so surprised by how much food she has cooked. Hash Browns, Bacon, Sausage, Eggs, and Muffins.

I make my way over to the coffee pot, and my grandmother is pulling down some mugs from the cabinet above.

"May I have some coffee also? I'm sorry for asking, it's okay if I can't." I ask shyly.

"OF COURSE, Rayne, Honey you can have whatever you want. This is now your house too. You're welcome to anything here. You also have no reason to apologize for asking, I know why you feel the need to... but you don't have to." She explains while handing a mug to me.

  There is a Rainbow on the mug with a quote written in cursive. The stormiest days have the most beautiful rainbows. I smile at that while pouring my coffee. I add cream and sugar and walk into the dining room.

I'm not used to her kindness. She's so warm and giving. I'm afraid the rug will be ripped from under me any moment, and all this will just be a dream. But it's not. It's real, and I'm finally able to move on with my life. Not everyone is like Her, I just have to keep reminding myself of that,

I walk into the dining room, Dad is sitting in the same chair from dinner last night. The breakfast my grandmother cooked is spread out along the table. I put 2 pieces of bacon, a little bit of eggs, and a muffin on my plate.

"How'd you sleep, Rayniegh? I thought I heard you crying this morning.. I wanted to check on you, but I figured giving you space was best." My dad asks with a concerned expression.

"I slept... Great actually." I say calmly

"I did have a nightmare, but I knew it was just a dream," I add.

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