"Ba-baby in you h-hands"

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Imagine Loki is Oliver dun dun dunnnnn
Barry POV
I was so lateee
I was meant to be at work an hour ago, but couldn't since I was busy with Peter because he lost 'Cisco' and he wanted to bring him

I ran both of us to CCPD right a way and as I left the elevator with Peter it felt like the whole police station staring at us Peter hugged and snuggled his head to my chest panicking

I made it to captain Singh's office and as expected he and joe were waiting to discuss about me and Peter

"So is this the famous Peter I hear about so much?" He asked in a very soft tone to not spook Peter

Peter turned his gaze to cap and squealed a bit which made my heart melted

"Allen you do know taking care of a baby isn't an easy task and you can't do your job all at once especially when your the flash too,"

"I know it's just I don't want Peter to be in an unfamiliar place."

"I understand Allen you had to make a call, but if you want to care for Peter you need all the support, including mine too." Captain said which shock me a bit and said

"Yes I know and thank you captain,"

"Anytime Allen and when it comes to cases on the field I can take care of Peter here in the office now run along now (hehe)."

"Ok, see you joe!" I said before heading in my lab

Peter has been very helpful in being support and behave for the past hour in

Joe then came to the lab saying there was a crime scene near Central Park alley sector 2b (idk lol)
I left Peter with captain Singh and left with joe

Location: Central City Park Alley

"So got anything Bear?" Joe asked me from behind while I had my eyes on the body and scene

"Hmm? Oh yes actually the only thing I can tell is this person was just a by passer, judging how he was position he was probably hit by cross fires." I stopped for a minute then continued

"There were shards of ice, burnt marks, gold flakes, dent bricks. It was a fight 3 against 2 maybe. Good news I know who they all are," I said as Joe nod understanding the situation

"I'll go inform the others to inspect what they can find."

"Thanks Joe I need to go to S.T.A.R labs anyway."

"Yes, oh and Singh just called saying he needs to go saying it's family mayday so you need to get Peter and bring him too,"

"Yeah I was going to tell the others anyway. Bye Joe!" I said as I flashed out to my lab where Peter was waiting happily

After a good 2 minutes I zoomed us to S.T.A.R labs and saw Caitlin, Cisco the human, Ralph, Harry earth 2, Ronnie and Einstein. They all turned to me and was silent till Cisco the human blurted

"Ba-baby in your ha-hands..."

"Yes Cisco I have a baby in my arms." I said as Peter pouted at him and gurgle

"Allen I think you owe us an explanation of who this child is before we assume for the worse..." Harry said and I just sighed

"Well first of all this is Peter Parker and now Allen I adopted him," i said then a voiced came from the door

"Um Barry?" It was oli my 2 year crush no not now Barry!

"Uh hehe hi..? I was going to explain anyway let's head to the lounge and talk there." I said then the others followed to the lounge with me

When we all sat while Einstein and Ronnie made some coffee and tea for us I explained the situation so far

After 30 minutes of me explaining I saw that Peter was tugging my pants getting fussy

"Did you feed him Allen?" Harry asked

"I just did, hmm oh here Peter." I said as I took peters bear from my bag

"Ciwsco!" Peter exclaimed as he hugged 'Cisco' tightly

"Wait he called the bear Cisco?" Caitlin asked, while Cisco was in awe knowing someone wanted to use his name Especially if it's a baby

"Yeah I was more surprised than you honestly," I said as I was rubbing my neck awkwardly


"Oh hoh flash time baby!" Cisco exclaimed as the alarm went off loud enough to make Peter cry

"Oh no um I need to go now, oli! Can you calm him down for me? Ok thanks!" I said not giving him a choice and sped off along with Cisco, Caitlin, and Ralph

Oliver POV
Ok why is my life like this honestly

As Peter cried I tried calming him down by patting him and rocking him, I didn't know what to do!

Little did I know peter was calmed down and snuggled into my shoulder, I felt weird not painly but in a loving way...

"Aww why don't you look at that, Oliver is made to be a father!" Felicity said as she coode at me and Peter

"No I'm not!" I exclaimed softly but still with a strong tone

"Well ms.smoak isn't necessarily false, coming who is a father himself." Harry said mumbling a bit on the last bit

I gave them a glare then Peter was slowly falling asleep

I then pick him by the armpits and hold him while I use my arrow glare at him

Then Peter just patted my nose...?

The room was quiet then the giggling and laughing was heard from all of them and I sighed, 'not gonna lie you are pretty cute.' I thought

After around an hour Barry came back and when he did I smelled something...

"Um does anyone know what that smells like?" Dig asked then Barry took Peter and looked into his diaper

"Ooh you were holding it in weren't you?" He asked Peter in a very soft and cute tone... wait did I just called him CuTe?!

Barry sigh and sped to the bathroom, 10 minutes later he was done and Peter was in his spider onesie? That's pretty adorable

"Awww!" I head the girls and Cisco exclaimed

Peter then tried to make a scary glare at Harry while we all watch in amusement

And keyword "tried" Harry glared back at him and they literally hosting a glaring contest at this point

It was very cute to watch honestly

After a bit barry and Peter went back to the west house and me, dig, and felicity went to our central city apartment

Then the day end just like that
Hello! Hope you all like the chapter!  And I had an idea for the next couple of chapters those are like the parts of their time together like one shots but they all connect and if the chapter is sloppy the it means I am sleepy school is tiring geeze, well anyways


Word count 1173 words

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