You roll your eyes, "Stop—teasing me!" 

"Trust is essential, I'm not teasing," Snape shakes his head with a slightly wry smile on his face. "Now I suppose the next step after Occlumency is to get these indescribable things out of your mind, Miss y/ln."

"Hey! You started it first!" you complain. "Why you are blaming me?"

"I started it? Wasn't you the one who didn't come to the feast?" Snape scoffs. "The Dark Lord was raged and I almost slipped my true identity out under his threat of the Killing Curse."

"So that's why he's trying to take control of my mind?" 

"One of the reasons, I suppose. It's also one of the two main reasons why I and Dumbledore decided to lock you up."

"But it will not excuse you from your courses, Miss y/ln," he suddenly says. "You will be taking the lessons you are supposed to take." 

You bite on your tongue, "Ouch—yeah, I guess. Who will be teaching me, though?"

"Dumbledore believes in your ability of self-studying. He asked me to tell you to ask him anything you do not comprehend," Snape watches as you drop your jaw in disbelief. 

"I have my O.W.L!" you protest. "I can't—"

Snape interrupts, "Then get ready." 

"Uh!" you know he's not giving you any second choice. "Fine, I need textbooks, then." 

Snape points his wand at a side of the room, "Accio crate!"

A crate flies over and you see it is all full of books, Snape raises an eyebrow as a signal to you to look at it.

"All textbooks for every subject," he states. "Dumbledore wishes to see me, I'm leaving."

He exits and you are busy checking if something is missing, and you find out there is no Herbology textbook. 

The heck.

Snape lied. Dumbledore hasn't expressed that he wishes to see him, he is just too afraid of slipping out more information to you—that will get you into mortal danger.

But he couldn't control himself in front of your bright, innocent eyes, he wouldn't want to lie to you. So he chose the quickest way—to leave. 

"Huh," Snape exhales, leaning on his chair in his empty office. "She was right, I have completely no dignity in front of her."

You know what is going on briefly since Snape told you most of the details, but you are still full of questions and doubts. You try to get these out of your head, opening your Potions textbook. 

While you are memorizing the ingredients and brewing the Strengthening Solution in your imaginary cauldron, sudden knock cracks on the door and scares you a bit. 

"Yes?" you ask loudly facing toward the door. "Who's here?"

No answers, you drop the book and start to make your way to the entrance. Just in case, you pull out your wand, "Excuse me? Was someone knocking?" 

You hear someone whisper, "Alohomora!" 

The door unlocks and opens, you frown and point your wand forward, then you see an indifferent face.

This is a complete mess. 

"Why are you here?" you do not sound friendly anymore. "You are not supposed to be here. By the way, it's such disrespect to not wait for the person to open the door for you."

Marilyn enters, your shoulders collide and she passes you without even looking at you. 

You shut the door loudly, "What the heck?"

"I'm here to tell you, y/n y/ln," Marilyn sits down on your chair as if she's the master. "We are enemies."

"What? Enemies? Bro, you gotta be kidding me, you are only a twelve-year-old kid!" you shout, your fists clenched. 

Marilyn glances at you, picking up your textbook, "So? By the way, are you studying these foolish things?"

"None of your business. Now, first, tell me why are you here; second, stop touching my belongings; third, if you have nothing else to say, get out," you are furious.

"Are you deaf? I said that I'm here to tell you we are enemies!" 

You scoff, "You are overthinking, child. Get out before I blame you for getting me into these total messes." 

"What if I don't?" Marilyn replies arrogantly. 

You try to suppress your rage, "Then I shall make you." 

"Expelliarmus!" Marilyn shouts, a scarlet light flies toward you.

Before it reaches you, you cast a jinx,"Incarcerous!"

The two spells meet in the air. You raise your arm, pushing forward easily, "Cut off or you would be jinxed."

Marilyn didn't, stubbornly she is wanting to fight back. But you are three years older than her and you have performed a jinx whereas hers is only a disarming spell. The meeting point of the two spells nearly reaches the tip of her wand. 

Just as you are considering whether you shall go easy on her, the door burst opens with a gust of wind that is right behind you. Both of you are frightened that cut your spells off at the same time. 

A person steps in, knocks on your head hard with his wand.

"Y/n, what the hell is going on!"

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