Chapter 9: Return to the Sea

Start from the beginning

"Oh?" Melody asked softly as she began to look soft and hopeful, thinking maybe he would talk about her parents.

"Yes... I believe that you're older now, but... Here it is," Kenneth said before he brought out an envelope. "Happy Birthday, Melody."

"Oh..." Melody said softly, trying not to sound too disappointed that she didn't get the topic that she wanted to discuss. "T-Thank you, Grandpa." she then opened up the card and decided to see what was inside.

Kenneth smiled softly, waiting to see how she would react once she would see was inside the card. Melody opened up the envelope and took out a card that seemed to have a picture of a pink-haired girl with a starfish headband and a dress that made her look like a mermaid before the girl then opened it up and saw a message written inside that made her smile a bit tearfully before some money slid out of the card after it was opened up.

"'Sail for adventure for a Sweet 16th Birthday, you can see all of your friends from school and I'm sorry about Evie, but I love you no matter what, my little princess'," Melody read aloud before gushing excitedly as Kenneth turned on the TV while getting ready to get settled for the day while his granddaughter would come back home from school. "Aww! Thanks, Grandpa!"

"You're very welcome, Melody," Kenneth smiled warmly. "I just hope that note isn't too 'uncool' with the other kids from school."

"Even if they did, I wouldn't let it stop me from loving you." Melody said before she then hugged her grandfather warmly.

"Aww... Glad I could make your birthday extra special, Princess," Kenneth smiled as he hugged Melody back. "And look! There's something special and extra just for you."

"Oh, money... Nice..." Melody said before she took a look and saw that there was a 50 dollar bill inside. "Oh... Wow... $50 just for me? That's a bit extra just to get milk from the cafeteria line, isn't it?"

Kenneth chuckled a bit. "It's not for lunch, my dear. It's for you to buy and pick out a little present for yourself," he then explained. "I think you should spend it any way you like."

"Oh. Thank you again, Grandpa," Melody smiled and nodded before looking thoughtful. "Hmm... I wonder what I should buy?"

"Well, buy whatever you'd like to buy," Kenneth replied as he stood up and was about to head upstairs. "It's your birthday after all. I'm going to arrange things for your party for later after school. Just remember to come back home before it gets too dark. Again, I'm sorry that Evie can't show up, I know how important she is to you."

"She really is, Grandpa," Melody nodded as she pocketed the money. "I'll see you after school. Just remember to take care of Sebastian while I'm gone."

"I will, dear. Sebastian is part of this family too after all," Kenneth chuckled and nodded sincerely as he headed upstairs. "Have a good day, Melody."

"Thanks, Grandpa! You too. I'll see you at the party," Melody smiled and waved to he grandfather as she took a look at the birthday money he got for her. "Hmm... I wonder what I should get myself for my birthday?" she then wondered to herself.

And then, as though to answer her question for her, the TV soon started to show a certain commercial while Good Morning, Storybrooke went on a commercial break for a certain location in town with an eerily familiar voice that could frighten anyone in town by the sound of it.

"You know me, you know my shop, but when was the last time you stopped by? Have you been in since you remembered who you are? You might be surprised to discover I have your life. From the glinting baubles that hung from your crib when you were a babe, to the terrifying people puppets that your parents were transformed into until two other more deserving people received their punishment. They're petrified now of course, but they're here! Among glass coffin shards, muffets, tuffets, even your favorite recipes for curds and whey. Free parking with validation! Yes, here you will find every sword you've ever drawn, if you lived it, I have it. And be sure to ask my specials on poisons and curses and if you don't buy them, your name is might. And is that really a chance you want to take? Gold's Shop: I wheel and I deal. See you soon, dear~"

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