+10 || bellis perennis

Start from the beginning

She studies him for a moment. This is no fairytale ending. It's not like he miraculously remembers her and everything has fallen into place. But this is all she's ever hoped for since he woke up: that she would be his choice.

And it seems that, at last, she is.

Her lips twitch into a small smile. "Do you just want me because you have no one else?" she wonders, "Or do you want me because my name is on your wrist?"

"Neither," he says honestly. "I want you because of this." He drops his jacket by their feet, frames her face between his palms and tips her face up so that her gaze meets his. There's a beat, her heart flutters, her stomach swoops. Once again, she's struck by the feeling that she's looking right at a familiar stranger.

And getting to know him all over again.

"Back in the hospital," he says, his thumb brushing her cheek, "when I really looked at you the first time, I felt this: like I've known you all my life, and then never before. So teach me," he murmurs, in a low voice. "Teach me how to fall in love with you again."

She smiles, warm and light and full of hope, and nods.

His lips twitch into an answering smile, just as bright as hers, and he lowers his head to kiss her. Slow and nervous at first, like he's never done this before, and then, when she wraps her arms around his neck, with growing confidence. He tastes of coffee and cake, and there's a new scar on the back of his head when she runs her fingers through his hair. A spark of heat rises between them, and whether it's because of familiarity, or the warm summer air, she can't tell. She doesn't care.

She kisses him back, knowing, all the while, that her world has shifted back on its axis once again.

And keeps spinning.

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ F I N ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

a / n

...and that's a wrap! I want to thank you all for sticking with me—I know that this story, out of the recent ones I've posted, has undergone many breaks in between (although I did promise that it would definitely be finished!), largely in part due to Killer Instinct moving to Radish. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding, and I sincerely hope this story did not disappoint!

Fun note: if you ever intend to reread this story, you may want to try reading it in chronologically order since that's the way I wrote it. I think you'll find it much smoother that way, although it does lose much of its symbolism!

Usually, at the end of a story, I'll let my readers know which story I intend to post next. But the truth is, this time, I'm really not sure. Killer Instinct is my main focus and will continue updates, but due to my busy schedule and covid that occasionally affects people I'm close to, I honestly cannot say what else will come next.

I'd like to be as open with you as possible though, so I do have several stories that are in the running and they are all from different universes. I'd really like if you could leave a +1 (and, if possible, your reason for your choice) next to the story you most wish to see next.

1. The fifth book of Universe #1 which is a very important spin-off to Slow Dancing because it settles the unanswered questions in that book. I am ten chapters in and will reveal the title once I officially post it.

2. Miles Away from universe #2 which I know many have been waiting for. There are about ten–fifteen chapters to go and, well, it's Miles. Enough said.

3. Limbo from universe #3 which will be a complete revamp of the original. It will answer  the ongoing questions in Killer Instinct and it'll definitely be available on both Wattpad and Radish!

4. God of Mischief (Loki fanfiction) or another Harry Potter AU that's been sitting in my drafts for ages. These are the most unlikely ones to happen as I generally do not touch fanfics while I'm working on original fics, but well, if inspiration strikes...

5. The prelude to the brand new fifth universe: Ebae.

Although I cannot guarantee that the story with the most votes = the one that will come first, it would really help me to see which universe(s) you're most interested in, and it would help my future story plans.

Thank you all so much for your help, and again, thank you for reading Forget Me Not. I hope to have another story up and running as soon as possible, because I have so many stories to tell, and simply never enough time.

Much love, x Noelle

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