Chapter 39- Sasha

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     Sasha gasped. No.. she thinks. Please no..

     "What do you mean, Mar-Mar?" Anne asks, her voice shaking. "I'm Anne, that's Sasha, we're your best friends..! And that's Olivia and Yunnan, your newt moms!"

     Marcy still looked very confused. Sasha knew it was all her fault. "Marcy.." Sasha whispers.

     But Anne? She was the most distraught. "Marcy, this isn't funny," Anne whispers. "We- We have to go home... c-come on.."

     Sasha's eyes met with Olivia and Yunnan's. Both seemed incredibly shocked and sad. But Sasha knew they blamed her.

"I'm sorry.. I don't know who you are.. or who I am for the matter," She says, quietly. "I.. I just know I'm not feeling good right now." She clutched her stomach, a grimacing look on her face.

     "Marcy.." Anne whispers sadly. "I..."

     Sasha reached forward to help Marcy get up but she looked scared. She even leaned backwards a little. "Let me help you," Sasha offers. "You can trust me." Trust. Ouch. Not the best choice of words.

     "I.. don't.. know."

     Sasha was more gentle this time. "I know you don't know who I am. But I know who you are, Marcy Wu. And I'm going to help you."

     Marcy nodded slowly as Sasha reached forward again, picking her up bridal style. "Let's get her somewhere she can rest. Maybe she will feel better after?" Sasha offers.

     Anne nodded slowly, tears running down her face. "O- Okay.." she manages to say as the gang starts walking off.

     Sasha felt overcome with guilt. She knew it was her fault. But she knew she had no time. Any second more and The Core would have possessed her. On the bright side, Marcy was definitely not trying to kill her. But she couldn't help feeling so incredibly guilty. If she couldn't find a way to help Marcy, she would live with the fact she took Marcy's whole life away from her. She could never live with that guilt.

     As she walked in silence, she met eyes with Anne. "Sasha.. what happened to her?" Anne asks.

     Sasha looked down at Marcy. Her eyes were half closed and she looked so empty inside. "I..." Sasha couldn't say it. All she wanted to do was make it up to Anne for everything but she just ruins everything. "It was my fault," Sasha admits, a grimacing look on her face. "I was in such a rush to get The Core out of her.. I didn't know what to do.. I just jumped into things like usual.. I'm such an idiot."

Anne looked shocked and hurt. Yet, she still reached out her hand to Sasha. "Hey.. don't say that," Anne whispers. "I.. let's talk later.. okay?"

     Sasha nods sadly as Olivia pushed the door to a house open. This was one of the few houses still left over from Newtopia. "Let's rest here," Olivia announces. Sasha looks around the small home. She placed Marcy on a long couch inside the house.

"You two should talk," Yunnan tells Sasha. "We'll be here with Marcy, okay? I'll let you know if anything happens."

"Thank you Yunnan," Sasha says, quietly. "I'm so sorry."

"Eh, don't worry Kiddo. I think you still did Marcy a favor in the end. It'll be alright."

Sasha nodded sadly. She turned to Anne. "C-Can we talk?" Anne nodded, giving a sympathetic look to Sasha.

Sasha lead her to the room next door. It was just a bed, a desk, a bookshelf, and a closet. It was a fairly small room. Sasha collapsed onto the bed that was way too small for her. "Anne, I'm so sorry-"

"What happened?" Anne asks, sitting on the edge of the bed as Sasha already took up practically every spot of it.

"I don't know.. I.. I was just talking with Olivia and Yunnan when Marcy's calamity power activated out of the blue. It healed her, as the green stone can heal. But The Core was still in her. We went to the basement to try and get it out of her but something went horribly wrong." Sasha looks into Anne's eyes. "It was my fault. I was too impulsive.."

"Well.." Anne sighs, looking away. "Considering the circumstances.. you're being too harsh on yourself." Anne looks into Sasha's eye. "I... we'll find a way to help her, okay? I promise. Because we're all going home together.. remember?"

Sasha hesitates, but quickly nods. "Yeah," she says, quietly. Before Sasha could say any more, Anne pulled her into a tight hug. Sasha hugged back. She was so grateful she had amazing friends. Looking back, Sasha really liked it in Amphibia. After all, she had a family here too.. back home it was her and her mom who was never around, as her dad left her when she was 8. She started getting use to the fly food, and she really liked the environment of Amphibia. What a shame..

     "Sasha.. I promised your mother I'd bring you home," Anne says, squeezing Sasha's hand. "And I will do that. As for Marcy..." Sasha was scared for Anne to even finish that.

     "What about her?"

     Anne bites her lip, looking away nervously. "Her parents left.."

     Sasha gasped. "No.. without her?"

     Anne nodded sadly. "I.. I don't know how to tell her.. but first things first we really need to figure out how to help her." Anne stood up. "But..." she sighs. "I need to find The Planters... I split up with them."

      Sasha stood up as well. "I'll help," she says quietly as Anne smiles.

     "Let's go.."

     A/N/ dude I forgot the planters existed for a hot second

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