Chapter 19- Sasha

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     "Nothing!" Sasha yelled in frustration, banging her fist to the floor. It hadn't taken long for Sasha to heal up after Olivia fixed her up. She was really a miracle worker.

"Calm yourself, Waybright. It's only been 5 hours," the blue newt said, sipping tea. How can she be drinking tea at a time like this?! Sasha thinks. Where did she even get that?

"Exactly!" Sasha stomped the floor. "Are you even certain the gems have to recharged?"

"Definitely. Before escaping the palace, we did overhear Andrias saying the robots would be sent to Earth in a few days and it'll use up the last of the power."

"Robots?! Sent to Earth?!" A rush of worry invaded into Sasha. Anne was in danger! "Oh man.." She shut her eyes tightly as she tried her best to focus but her hair wasn't doing the weird glow thing like Anne. "We don't have time for this! I finally have a lead and I can't even fight!" She yelled. Sasha was always a hot head but at least she was being reasonable. She had a lot to be mad about, her powers, not being able to help, and of course it didn't hurt to mention she had one eye. Man, Sasha would never get used to that.

"Sasha, patience," Olivia says, calmly.

"How could you be calm at a time like this?!" Sasha shouts. "Toad Tower, a wreck! WartWood, gone! And now Newtopia is next, your home! You've seen how bad it is, we don't have time for this!"

Suddenly, that knocked Olivia and Yunnan backwards like a large gust of wind. But the thing was, Sasha didn't feel anything.

"Whoa.." Yunnan says.

"Sasha.. your eyes. They're... pink."

Sasha's eyes widened. "Wait it worked??"

"Well, maybe the calamity powers first trigger with emotion, like Anne did."

Sasha punched her fist in the air with excitement. "YES!" But apparently that was a mistake because it made a whole row of trees knock down instantly. "Whoa!" She exclaims, putting her hands down. "Yeah I definitely will not be doing that again."

     "Excellent, but you must control your power," Olivia says. "You will end up doing more harm than good if you show up like this."

     "But Olivia! We have to get going now!"

     "So impulsive," Sasha heard. She turned around to see Grime. "Honestly, Sasha, you have to slow down."

     "Oh lookie, it's a bit late to come help," Sasha mumbled, saltily. "Grime, you have to tell them that we don't have time to train."

     "We always have time to train," Grime says. "I know you're worried about your friends but we need to get your powers under control."

     "You're kidding!" Sasha shouts angrily, which caused everyone around her to fall backwards immediately, the trees all slanted outwards. "Whoops sorry.."

     "Stop doing that!" Yunnan shouts, getting up again.

     "Telling Sasha to calm down is as pointless as telling a frog to be smart," Grime says, face palming himself.

     "Sasha, we want to get back to Newtopia just as much as you, if not more, but we have to master your power first," Olivia says, as she got up and brushed the dirt from her skirt.

     "But that's just it! We don't have time for this! Marcy is literally possessed and working for the king to take over my home! And Anne, she's in danger along with my parents and friends back home! We just don't have time for this!"

     "That's enough!" Olivia shouts. "You're going to trigger your ability again! You clearly have no control over it!"

     Sasha paused. Right, no anger. She took a deep breath. It was much harder than it looked to be coolheaded. "I'm sorry," Sasha says. It was even harder to apologize. "I... I just don't agree with any of this. We can't just take our time while my home is dying.. and this world as at stake too.."

     Olivia sighed. "I know, Sasha. But we have to." She looked up at the sky as the sun set. "This isn't just to rest, we're still working for the same cause. And anyway, it's getting dark. We should get back to the camp ground."

     "What!? No!" Sasha says, angrily. Apparently her power already disappeared too. It made her so mad how it hardly worked with her. Her hair didn't even do the weird glowy thing. "Come on! Olivia! Yunnan! Grime! You guys are seriously-"

     "That's enough Sasha!" Yunnan yelled, causing Sasha to step backwards. "We are going back to the campground, stop whining about it and just follow your orders!"

     Sasha looked down at the floor. Her hands were in fists, her eye twitching in anger. She felt a rush of deja vu. "Yes.." She said quietly as she walked back to the campground on her own. She could hear the three amphibians talking to each other about her, but she couldn't at the same time. All she knew was she wasn't on their side anymore. She was on her own side.

     Sasha sat up and looked around with the one eye she had. She didn't have anything to keep track of the time but the pitch darkness gave her a good idea that it was 1-2 a.m. Everyone seemed to be asleep. Sasha stood up quietly trying not to make a sound. There was a crackling fire that kept her warm. She picked up a thick piece of wood she found on the floor and placed it by the fire to create a makeshift torch. She grabbed her green cape that she had to match with Percy, Grime, and Braddock. She missed the two of them a lot. I'll fix things with them, she told herself. But first thing's first...

     She stole a leather bag she found on a counter and grabbed some fly bread. Ew. I'll pick out the flies later. And that was that. She took off, walking into the distance with help with the map Olivia and Yunnan had.

     "I'm sorry," She whispered, looking back. "But we aren't on the same page anymore."

     A/N/ Officially my longest chapter at 1013 words! 😁 anyways I hope ya'll enjoyed this one! Do you agree with what Sasha is doing? Or should she had trained first?! Will she regret it? What will happen with Grime, Olivia, and Yunnan?! We'll find out next time on The Host!



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