✨How you first met ✨

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-you met him at the beach
-you were drinking your favorite drink and taking a nice sunbath
-suddenly someone rises from the water
-it's a man wearing swim trunks. He has fins and a tail.
-he's approaching you, casually
-he is standing right in front of you, blocking the sunlight. You woke up from the disturbance
-"Hey, who turned out the lights?" You take off your sunglasses and you see a most handsome man in front of you. He flashes you a toothy grin.
-"oh! Hi!"
-"You look pretty cute~"
-"Oh, thank you."
-you met him not even seconds ago and yet you're felt charmed by him.
-"what brings you to the beach?"
-"I just wanted a sun tan and to relax!"
-"I see that." The handsome Plesioth man stared you down. He liked what he saw.
-"What's your name?"
-"I am Plesioth."
-Both of you introduced yourselves.
-You ended up chatting the rest of the day.
-"Where can I find you?"
-You gave him your number and address.
-"Thanks (Y/N)!"
-You leave the beach happily, knowing that the handsome Plesioth would come and visit you.

-You first met him at the park
-You we're sitting on a bench, watching the birds when a handsome young man sits next to you
-"Hey, you mind if I sit here?"
-you were not caring much, just continued watching the park wildlife until you accidentally touch his clawed hand
-both of you blush
-"Oh, sorry!"
-"No, no, I'm sorry."
-You two end up insisting that one of you is sorry, which lead to you two talking about other things, even introducing yourselves
-He asks for your number, which you happily wrote down
-After that, you both left the park.

(Psst, 9Kxmikx7 ,
You wanted me to put these guys in!)

-You first met him one day at the gym
-You felt like doing some pull-ups, to workout your upper body
-You attempted the pull up, but your arms were barely strong enough to pick yourself up
-Suddenly a pair of strong hands cup your posterior and they start to raise you up
-you gasp with surprise
-you look down below and you see a stocky male with spiky body features hold you up.
-"Oh! I'm sorry miss."
-He sets you down bashfully, knowing that he just touched your rear
-You notice that he's a very soft type, despite him looking all big and menacing
-"Well, at least you tried." You tried to make it less awkward
-"I mean, I could spot you, only of you want me to."
-You think about his request. Maybe he could help you with your workout
-He assists you with your workouts
-You ended up having a lot of fun with him
-You and him introduced yourselves
-"Name's Nergigante, and you?"
-You also exchanged numbers
-You left the gym that day, happily

-You actually met him during your high school years
-You were putting your books away in your locker
-Suddenly a group of jocks bump into you, knocking your books down
-"Awe man!"
-You bend over to pick your books, until someone starts picked them up for you
-"You're welcome."
-The boy hands you your books
-You smile at him
-The next day at school, you bump into him again.
-"Oh! Hi!"
-"Hey! Are you the girl from yesterday?"
-You ended up talking, but you were mindful of the fact that you had to arrive to class
-The next day, you talk with him again after school
-Only today, you exchange contacts.
-You left school happy

-You met him at work
-You were struggling to reason with an unhappy customer, demanding a refund
-"We're sorry ma'am, we don't accept refunds."
-"Let me speak to the manager!"
-You reluctantly send a coworker to get the manager
-A tall man with dragon features emerges from his office
-"Is there a problem, miss?"
-"I demand a refund!"
-"Sorry," he said in a more sharper tone. "No refunds."
-The customer leaves angrily
-"Fine! But don't be surprised when the rating drops by one star!"
-You rolled your eyes at the woman, but you were amazed by the man's confidence in the way he spoke
-"Wow, you're really good at talking sense into people."
-"That's an understatement. Now get back to work."
-During your lunch break, your coworkers stir up a rumor that you had a crush on the manager
-The rumor spreaded like wildfire, eventually the manager hears this
-The manager calls you down to his office.
-Your coworkers go,  "OOOOOOOOOOOO"
-You entered the manager's office
-"You wanted to see me?"
-"Is this about the rumor?"
-"About that," he leans on his arms. "So I hear that you like me."
-you turned bright red.
-Your manager, Fatalis, laughs. "There's no reason to be flustered."
-Fatalis smirked at you.
-You blushed
-You ended up talking with Fatalis.
-During your conversation, you learn that he is a flirty type.
He eventually asks for your number
-"So, would you like to go out sometime?"

-Oddly enough, you first met him during your freshman year of college
-Your professor decides to pair you and him together for a partner assignment.
-The pairing was beneficial, because Rathalos knew more about the subject than you did
-It started out super awkward, because you didn't know each other
-But then he warmed up to you
-Both you and him had fun working on the project.
-So fun, in fact; during your project days, he even asked you for your number
-Needless to say, when it came time for project presentation, you felt no anxiety


Ahaaa, these are all very short but cheesy

Peace out until next time!

[DISCONTINUED] MonHun Monster Boyfriend/Girlfriend Scenarios + HeadcanonsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt