Part 1

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The sound of the bookstore's bell rang out causing your gaze to rise up from your book to see who walked in. Sliding in your bookmark and playfully rolling your eyes at the man entering.

"My, my, is Sam Wilson gracing us lowly peasants with his presence?" You mocked.

"Oh you know I have to humble your ass anytime I can Y/N," he chuckled as he made his way to the counter you were sitting behind. He looked around the room that had become like a second home to you thanks to Steve who took you on to help watch his small store.

"You don't have to be humbled when you know you look this good," you signaled to your face with a smirk.

"Point taken."

"What's up? Shouldn't you be at the restaurant during peak hours?" you questioned. "Or did someone try to go all Gordon Ramsey again?" Sam and his sister Sarah ran their family restaurant together since their parents retired a few yers ago, and you took every opportunity you could to score free food from the place two doors down. Sarah adored you and would give you free food while Sam on the other hand loved to give you a hard time and make a fuss. They, like Steve, were like family to you since you were all alone since moving to New York City.

"Hey those dishes would've had people lined up for blocks if Bucky didn't throw up after the first bite!" You smirked and tried to contain your laughter at how passionate he was about his experimental dishes he had been trying to get Sarah to add to the menu. "The man has no taste, he eats the same thing for dinner every night so his opinion doesn't count."

You laughed and shook your head because you knew Bucky hadn't experienced many gourmet meals after being in the military for so long, and the poor guy couldn't say no to Sam.

The sunlight streams through the large windows of the store nearly blinding you from the outside world. It was as if you were off in your own world, where the problems of the world stopped at the door. Leather and wood furnish filled your nose as you took in a deep breath, the familiar scents grounding you.

"Ok, ok you got a point," holding up your hands in defeat. Sam crossed his arms and gave you a look of triumph knowing he would get you to stroke his ego. "But maybe next time you should include Steve and I."

Sam's face lit up at the idea of having you all try his next dish, "I'm gonna hold you to that!" He placed his hands on the counter rubbing them back and forth over the wooden varnish of the old counter, "But the reason I'm here is because Steve is holding a book for Sarah and there is a lull in the lunch crowd, so she sent me here to get it."

You knew exactly what he was talking about as you slide off the stool and began searching under the counter for the book. After grabbing it and checking the name on the sticky note you pulled out the book and placed it on the counter.

"I wouldn't have figured Sarah for someone who liked hardcore erotic novels," you stated nonchalantly while peeking over at Sam to get his reaction.

The color drained from his face as his eyes grew wide , "She WHAT?"

"I'm just kidding!" The laughter burst out of you with one hand grabbing your stomach while the other gripping the counter to keep yourself from falling over.

"Don't do that to me!" He snatched the book off the counter and began walking backwards towards the door, "Oh this isn't over Y/N! You're lucky you're like a sister to Steve otherwise you'd be dead!"

You faked gasped, "I thought I was like a sister to you too?!"

"Oh ho, not now you're not," he said as he opened the door and made his way out but not before poking his head back in, "it means it's on, and I'm gonna get your ass..."

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