1• the murder

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"This is the official United States Government, you are safe. Adelaide and Bellamy Wells please reveal yourselves. This is the official United States Government, you are safe. Adelaide and Bellamy Wells please reveal yourselves. This is the official United States Government, you are safe. Adelaide and Bellamy Wells please reveal yourselves."

Bellamy nudged me awake excitedly saying,
"Addie listen! That's our names!"

I woke up immediately and grabbed Bellamy. I listened intently making sure I heard correctly.

"This is the official United States Government, you are safe. Adelaide and Bellamy Wells please reveal yourselves."

I almost cried tears of joy.
"Bellamy we can go! Mom and Dad will be waiting for us!"

"Yay!" the little boy said happily and actually smiling after the traumatizing day we've experienced.

I unlocked the safe cautiously and slowly to reveal a complete war zone had taken over one of my closets and most likely my room.

Thankfully there was no bodies but looking down at my feet I was barefoot and so was Bellamy. There was glass,wooden shards, dresses, and broken jewelry everywhere.

Instead I yelled,which my mother would have my head for doing,
"We're over here!"

And it seemed just like that, a dozen or so men in black suits and some on bright yellow FBI and CIA bullet proof suits came rushing into my closet, all with head sets on saying they've found us safe and unharmed.

One man came towards us cautiously with his hands raised in surrender to show he had no weapons and said,
"Adelaide and Bellamy Wells, my name is William Cage and you're safe. You can come with me ok."

I nodded my head and said,
"We're not wearing shoes, we're not allowed to walk without shoes, my mom would throw a fit and there's glass everywhere I don't want Bellamy to get hurt because I love him and I -"
I choked up and cried as I rambled.

I took a deep breath and William Cage lifted an eyebrow at my with worry.

 "I'm ok, I'm ok. I'll be ok. Just take us to our parens please."

William Cage turned to the other agents and whispered something. A guard came and held out his arms to me, "Allow me to carry you." He said.

I took him up on his offer while William Cage picked up Bellamy.

We walked out into my room and I shut my eyes not wanted to see the damage done. I could feel the agent turn left out of my room and even though my eyes were still shut I knew my home inside and out. He walked down some stairs but wavered side to side, I opened my eyes and I gasped. The beautiful brown spiraling staircase was destroyed with holes in the wood and half the railing missing. The antique paintings that hung on the walls were torn and slashed and our painted family portrait that used to hang on the wall across the bottom of the stairs now hung on the ground in pieces and my parents faces were both completely slashed to contortion.

The two agents let me and Bellamy down to sit at the dinning hall table.
more agents seemed to be surrounding us and a few occasionally spoke into their head sets.

"Um Mr.Cage, I would like to formally thank you for saving our home and our lives. Our country and more importantly our parents thank you."
I spoke regally and my head held high pretending I was wearing my crown and a proper dress and not my white night gown.

My mother always told me that no matter what happened to you good or bad you had to keep moving forward. So this was me moving forward no matter how scared I still was, I couldn't let it show.

William shifted his gaze away from my eyes, took a deep breath and said seriously will regaining eye contact,
"Miss Adelaide, I, on behalf of the President and country of the United States would like to formally apologize and give our condolences as we are sorry to say that the King and Queen of Geneva have passed away last night during the attack by Russian enemies."

He finished and while fresh tears sprang into my eyes I said quietly with a wavering voice,
"Thank you Mr.Cage"

Before breaking down and crying in front of total strangers and a very confused brother.


• all rights reserved •

Hope you enjoy this new story :-) please be kind in comments & feel free to ask any questions!

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