Chapter 13

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Cislo: Looks like you guys defeated the demons. But I don't approve of helping them.

Ray: You're okay with helping me?

Cislo: Of course.

Ray: I used to be a spy.

Cislo: Eh?

Ray: I've watched my siblings march to their death. In this world, everyone risks their lives in one way or another. That doesn't make my actions okay. I sold out my siblings in order to survive. I'm worse than these demons.

Emma: Ray...

Cislo: No, you aren't like them. I like you, but I hate their guts!

Ray: That isn't a valid reason!

Cislo: I don't need a reason! What counts is how I feel. Aren't you guys the same way?

Emma: But we don't think it's right to let them die because we hate them. In battle, both sides risk their lives and are prepared to die. But that doesn't apply once the fight is over. Norman, Ray, and I have decided we're going to save everyone. This demon society and all the cattle children.

Norman: Cislo, I understand how you feel...but I no longer want to wage a war against the demons.

Cislo: I can tell, boss. I've been watching you actually....If that's how you feel, then I will support you.

Norman: Cislo...

Emma: Alright! Then, let's go save everyone!

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