Chapter 6||Is this what they call babysitting?

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3rd person POV

After Y/N was taken home Illuso was berated some more, even though it seemed like he didn't really care about Y/Ns accident he cared a lot. He just doesn't know how to express it. After all that junk and mess happened, Sorbet and Gel gave Ghiaccio charge of Y/N this time.

"You want me to watch THEM?!" Ghiaccio exclaimed. He just didn't understand why HE had to be chosen to watch over a snobby little toddler. "Sorry Ghia but you're the only one without a mission plus we can't have a babysitter over here."

After a little begging and persuading Ghiaccio sadly agreed..

Time skip

"Okay we'll be back at around 8! Bye baby!" Sorbet exclaimed before shutting the door. "Now it's just you and me little kid." Ghiaccio slugged, if he hadn't been watching you he'd be playing on his game console and not worrying about a baby.

Y/N quickly snapped their head around to face Ghiaccio, who was menacingly towering over them. It was an extremely scary sight and they couldn't keep the fear in.

Y/N burst into sobs suddenly, Ghiaccio was taken aback. "Hey hey hey! Why are you randomly crying I didn't do jack to you!?!" His tone made the situation even worse. Y/N assumed in their little toddler head that Ghia was mad at them. Cause them to cry even MORE.

"Um.." Ghiaccio was confused and doesn't have an idea what to do. He picked up the cell phone to call the baby's parents. No Answer."

Ghiaccio didn't know what to do now. It's not like he could approach the toddler or anything. It would just make them cry even more. There was only one option left. He had to put on a face mask.

Ghiaccio searched around the closet looking for costumes and masks in Illusos closet. The only really Illuso had all of that clowny stuff is because he LOVES to scare the other team members through the mirror looking like Micheal Myers. "Where is a dumb face mask?!" Ghiaccio stressed out.

Somehow , he got the little child to calm down by giving them a pacifier that was found in their baby bag. "Aha!" Ghiaccio shouted. The masks was rather an ugly one. Looking like a disfigured Barbie doll with blood splatters.

Ghiaccio struggled for a bit to put on the mask, mostly because the Velcro at the bottom was getting stuff in his curls. But he managed to get through. He took a quick look in the mirror and a quick sigh of embarrassment before stepping out of the room to go to Y/N.

Ghiaccio steadily approached the child waiting for a response from them. Luckily the baby's reaction was happy and they seemed to like the mask. "Finally..."

"Guess who's bac-" The door opened and Sorbet and Gelato were shocked to see Ghiaccio and the baby playing with jenga blocks while watching Teensge mutant ninja turtles, but they were more surprised at the fact that Ghiaccio had on one of Illusos masks.

Ghiaccio scrambled to take the masks off but it was too late, Melone had already token a picture of the blue haired man with the baby. "You can't hide from me:) I'll always have a camera out." Melone said smugly. Melone later put the photo up on the fridge door. "Just a little memory."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2023 ⏰

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