Chapter 5|| Illuso in trouble

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TW: A tiny threat😅


Illuso had to act quick, he dashed to the shared car and drove off to the nearest clinic. Unknown to him the guys were already on his tail and tracked him down by the phone number. Illuso made it to the clinic fast and got outside the car. He ran as fast as he could into the building and talk to the receptionist.

"I need A LOT of help right now Ms. my niece/nephew got kicked by a swing at the playground and JUST HELP ME PLEASE!!" Illuso cried in a hurry. "We have an open spot right now so just open that door and turn to the left, you'll see it. The receptionist explained calmly.

Illuso burst into the clinic room and saw your average medical equipment. He sat y/n down on the table and- "ILUSOOOOOO!!!!!" Illuso heard Sorbet scream as he burst into the room. "There you are! I need your stand to hea-" Illuso was quickly met with a kick in the shin. He cried out in pain.

"YOU JERK!! YOU MADE MY PRECIOUS BABY GET HURT AND NOW I NEED TO HEAL THEM! YOU BAS-" Sorbet was quickly silenced by a sobbing Y/N. "Oh no no baby please don't cry! Daddy's got you. You're okay." Sorbets tone changed quickly. Sorbet got out his stand and healed Y/N.

Soon enough they were giggling as Sorbet tickled them. "Ow." Illuso whines as he basically died on the floor. "Have my baby injured again and I'm gonna rip your intestines out and play jump rope with them." Sorbet threatened. Prosciutto entered the room wondering what was going on. "Is Y/N okay now? You guys disturbed the other visitors here idiots!" Prosciutto scolded.

"Yeah they're alright, we can leave now." Sorbet replied giving Y/N a kiss on the cheek. They left the clinic with Illuso still limping. This is going to be a long day.

HELLO!! Sorry for not posting anything for this story.

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