I opened the door, letting out a deep sigh. My life was so confusing right now. What do I even do. I lifted my head and saw something I wish I wouldn't have to.

There she was. Laying at the top of the stairs, crying her eyes out. I walked slowly up the stairs. "Lily.."

I walked a little closer and froze. She's passed out. Not in a sleeping way. Fuck.

"No no no no NO!" I yell, running to her.

I pick her up bridal style, and run to the living room. I set her on the couch and try to wake her up.


Lily's POV
I woke up from the blackness shockingly quickly. My stomach fell with a shockingly uneasy feeling. Something didn't feel.. right.

Justin's soft lips were connected to mine, trying to wake me.

I decided to surprise him. I started to move my lips against his. His eyes shot open and he pulled away, awkwardness filling the room.

"Uh.. still mad?" I say, drifting my words.
"Lily, I can't fu-"
"I get it, I get it. You can't always be there for me. You can't do the things it takes to be a best friend. You can't care of me when I fall ill and you can't love me in the way you always have." I scoff.

I quickly get up, leaving him angry. I didn't care at this point.

"I'm done." He angrily chuckled, leaving the mansion with no second thoughts.

I went on Twitter to see some type of good in my life. My mind instantly thought of someone I hadn't talked to in forever.

I missed him so much. His hilarious ways, his amazing singing. This man was my second best friend. We ran to each other when we had news, were bored, or were just in our emotions.

I flopped on the couch in the upstairs living room. I decided to make a tweet instead of DMing him.

Lily Marie @lollylily: i've got some sneaky plans.. but it'll be better with you. @theweeknd

Instantly, I got thousands of retweets and favorites. A few minutes later, he replied. ( A/N I'm calling The Weeknd 'A' for now )

The Weeknd @theweeknd: Let's do it! Fill me in on the evil work of genius. @lollylily

Lily Marie @lollylily: thank god. i love you sm @theweeknd

The Weeknd @theweeknd I love you more.

Fans were currently going nuts over this, but I didn't care. I'm being able to hang out with the boy I loved the most, in our friend way only.

My happiness shut out as Justin ran past me to his room, sobbing like his world was crashing down. Tears fell down his cheeks while he never looked back. His light screams filling my ears.

Guilt, worry, fright, evilness, everything just washed over me.

I couldn't help but feel horrible. Guilt and sadness washed over me, along with a hint of depression. His action brung back bad, bad memories.

Here I was, repeating my horrible past over again. Fighting for happiness. Pushing people away. Isolating myself from the world.

All from one action.

I ran towards my room as fast as possible, screaming as pain overwhelmed my body. It felt like everything was falling down on me, all at once.

Harder than before. Memories were flooding my eyes, my head. What was going on..

I quickly found out why. My childhood.. my horrible, horrible childhood. The scars, the blood, the screaming and pain.

The addictions, the words, the actions. The people.. I'm replaying it. In 3D version.

I felt like I was floating. My eyes had changed sceneries to a dark, abandoned apartment.

The man who had just kidnapped me stood in the corner of the room. This is it, Lily. Say goodbye to your friends..your imaginary friends.

The friends you wished you had every night. "P-please.. not t-tonight.!" I screamed, remembering the blood from last night.

"Ha. Cry all you want. It'll just make it worse. We don't want that, do we, babygirl?"

"I'll tell you! Please, please please please! I'm sore, my body a-aches!" I scream.

"You'll feed me nothing but lies," he answered truthfully.

He grabbed the belt, hitting me several times while I scream out in pure pain.

One hit. Two hits. Three hits. Four.
Five hits. Six hits. Seven hits. More..

My legs were bloody, covered in bruises and redness. It hurt horribly. I didn't do anything, but I'm getting abused.

I let out a high-pitched, ear-bleeding scream. I tried to catch my breath. Beads of sweat dripping down my forehead. A puddle of blood collecting underneath me.

The scream didn't come out. He had out tape over my mouth too fast. It's the end. I'm dying.

I passed out, but quickly woke up within the next five minutes. A horrible pain was coming from my lower body as moaning filled my ears.

Heat was radiating off of body weight from on top of me. I was bare.. purely naked.

I attempted screaming out in pain as my kidnapper had started to rape me. Taking away my innocence. The gift I'd decided to wait and give to my true love.

The tape was held down with a hand as the thrusts became deeper and harder. I felt like I was bruised completely in my body. I squirmed in discomfort.

The sick bastard smirked in victory, but it quickly fell as he groaned loudly, finishing his rape session that took forever.

I couldn't see. Tears blinded my eyes. I'll never trust ANYONE anymore.

The next day, the kidnapper was sleeping. My perfect chance..

I ran towards the door, wanting to scream in pain from any movement. Even the touch of a finger.

Temporary scars started forming as I unlocked the door and ran. As fast as I could. Sobs filled the air around me as I ran faster, pain increasing.

I never looked back once. Not once..

Best Friend [j.b] •completed•Where stories live. Discover now