Chapter 15: "She is you"

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"You're dating Zale now? I thought you were in love with Emma? Or do you move on fast."

Lana looked up from her homework. She was studying at the table, after Zale had left her house. Lana stayed home to spend time with Miles, she needed the support from her older brother.

"We aren't dating," Lana muttered, looking back down at her work.

"Ah of course. Just give it a couple of days and you'll be all over him. Girls and guys can't be just friends and be that close hunny, it's impossible," Alya added, pouring oil into a pan.

"They're non-binary mum! And that's not true, guys and girls can be just friends!" Lana shouted, getting up suddenly. Miles stood behind the door frame, watching their conversation.

"That's just a phase Lana, just like you liking girls is a phase. Soon enough you'll start liking boys and everything will be normal again," Alya replied calmly, adding more ingredients.

"This is not a phase. Get over yourself mum, you're just homophobic."

"Don't speak to me that way, I'm your mother," Alya exclaimed, in a stern tone.

"Some mother you are."

Lana got up and walked away, despite the protest and screams of her mother. Everything in her life was going wrong. She bumped into her brother as she stormed out, who just pulled her into a tight hug.

"Do you hear that?" Zale asked, hearing a loud chatting noise coming from the lockers. Lilith nodded and they rushed towards the lockers. As they got closer, they realised the crowd was screaming "fight!" over and over again, eventually bursting out into cheering and applauding. Pushing their way through the crowd, they saw as Lana threw a punch at my stomach, while I was holding my face from receiving a previous punch. I took the punch before grabbing her arm and twisting it behind her back, holding her as if she was under arrest.

"Why are we just standing there? We should help them!" Zale screamed, over the cheering of the crowd. Lana elbowed my stomach with her other arm and I let go, out of shock.

"No, both of them are stronger then us, we are just going to get hurt trying," Lilith answered, holding Zale back.

She threw another punch at me, this time I stopped it mid punch and kicked her in her stomach, sending her flying backwards.

"Shit," I muttered under my breathe, running to help her up. She held the back of her head in agony, her sitting against the lockers. She seemed to be conscious and fine. "I didn't mean to hurt you Lana, I'm-"

I reached out my hand for her to grab, we she grabbed but used my vulnerability to push me away. My back hit the lockers behind us, and she used her arms to make sure I wouldn't move.

"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT IVE BEEN GOING THROUGH?" Lana screamed pushing me again up against the wall.

Hold on-

"IM GOING THROUGH HELL AT HOME AND IT ISN'T MUCH BETTER WITH YOU CONSTANTLY NAGGING ME AND ANNOYING ME!" She continued scream, taking her hands off my shoulders but put them on the lockers, cornering me in between her and the lockers.

She continued to scream at me, and I fell silent. I felt my face turn bright red as I realised she had pinned me against the wall.

My anger started to slip away from me, as all I could do was stand there and watch her pathetically, as she screamed at me. I felt an overwhelming confidence flush over me, and I just knew I needed to apologise. But she wouldn't stop screaming.

I shaking it brought my hands up to her face, seeing her mad face turn to confusion, continuing to scream at me, smiled slightly, and gently pulled her in. I felt my heart skip a beat as her lips touched mine once again, and all that screamed at disappeared. The crowd gasped. Her lips were soft and sweet, she was very gentle. I felt her hands on my waist as she pulled me in closer.

I couldn't tell you how much I missed this.

We both pulled back and I looked her in her eyes. She was bright red and had a smile on her face. I heard her chuckle slightly.

Lilith and Zale turn to each other, smirking. They celebrate quietly with a high five.

"She is you," Lana muttered.

"...I'm her?" I questioned, now realising how stupid I was. She laughed again.


"Oh," I paused, smiling. "I'm sorry."

"I know you are," Lana replied.

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